Page 36 of Shattered

As a young boy my father taught me a few valuable lessons in life, but the most important was how to read people. He always told me to keep an eye out for men like Noah, who smile with their eyes at hearing something that shouldn’t be done. They’re fully aware they shouldn’t be doing certain things, and yet they love it. They love the mayhem and torture it causes.

“You mean my wife.” Noah smirks in a twisted way. He’s begging for me to do something, to react in some way. He’s getting what’s coming to him, that’s for fucking sure.

I slide my hands into my trousers where I keep my brass knuckles, sliding my fingers in through the holes. Taking my hands from my pockets, I walk up to Noah. “You’re going to sign the papers and leave Bethany alone. I want to make sure you understand that.”

I glance down at my brass knuckles, thinking of the way this weasel is going to scream when I’m done with him. “Over my dead body. I own that bitch, and she needs to come back where she belongs— home to me.”

I try to keep my composure, however I can’t. Every primal instinct inside me is screaming how I need to show this man who’s the boss. I clock my right hand back and rush towards Noah, slamming my fist with such force that I hear a cracking sound upon impact. Pulling my leg back, I kick him in the ribs repeatedly until he’s gasping for air. He tries to put his hands in front of his face, but it doesn’t work. I’m too quick for the bastard.

Junior pulls me back, “Whoa. Didn’t you say you needed him alive? You keep going and he’ll be for sale in my shop.” He whispers it lowly, but it’s something I need to hear. If he didn’t pull me back, I’d fuckin’ kill Noah. I need him to sign the divorce papers, and I really fucking need him to sign the rights for Bethany’s frozen eggs back over to her.

“St-top,” Noah rasps out.

“There’s only one way I’m stopping, Noah. Are you ready to meet my demands, or do you want more?” I wave my hand around, looking down at my bloodied brass knuckles.

“What do y-you w-want?” His face starts turning physically red and I’m not talking about from the blood.

“You’re going to sign the divorce papers, but more than that, you’re going to offer Bethany a hefty amount of cash so she can get her life back on track. You’re also going to sell your house and give her half the profits, and sign over the frozen eggs at the cryobank in Philadelphia. Got it? If you don’t, I will get my men to peel you off the streets of whatever city you run to and bring you back to me. Only, next time I’ll make sure you don’t leave alive. Do you understand me?” I hiss out, booming with authority. He’ll make sure to never fuck with Bethany after I’m done with him.


“Junior, can you get rid of this trash?” I ask him and he nods, but I look back over to Noah. “I’m giving you a week to file everything. If it’s not done, you know what will happen.”

Johnnie grabs Noah by the back of the shirt and drags him out of the freezer like a dead pig. If I ever see him again, he’ll be a dead pig.