Page 38 of Shattered

“You look different.” The way Mom says it makes me wonder if she’s complimenting me, or insulting me.

“Alright, please elaborate.” I laugh.

“I don’t mean it in a bad way. You’re just . . . lighter. That brunette hair of yours is so much lighter and I know it’s because you went and had highlights put in . . . but, Bethany, you just seem happier.”

In a way, she’s right. Over the last few months I’ve learned a lot about how I always should’ve been loving myself. It wasn’t easy, but I finally understood I’ve always been worthy. I didn’t always feel it, though. In all honestly, I felt like a burden. Like I needed to change to make certain people happy in my life, however I see the error in my thought process now.

“I am happier. Being away from Noah has a lot to do with that,” I confess, so proud that I made the decision to get away from him.

“I’m so proud you’re away from Noah, but I’m even happier you’ve found a man like Leon who truly values you in the way a man always should’ve.”

I don’t know what’s bothering me, but something isn’t sitting right when it comes to Leon. I can’t put my finger on it, but I just feel like I am ruining his life. He’s told me to trust him, and I do. I trust him so damn much. I just can’t forget what I overheard Mariana and Ion talking about. “Now, what’s the matter? You’re frowning the same way you did as a child.”

“I’m not frowning. I’m only thinking a couple of things I shouldn’t be about my relationship.”

Mom dismisses me with her hand, “I may not know the man very well, but it’s evident he loves you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have made any effort to try and get to know your father and me. I’m sure you’re thinking he’s like Noah, but he isn’t sweetie. This one is a keeper, and by God, you deserve someone who showers you with love and affection. Don’t think about the negative parts and take it day by day.”

This is why I love having her around. My mom has always been right. Even though time has passed, some things never change.