Page 9 of Shattered

Chapter 5


The next morning, I find myself the first one awake as I make myself some coffee in the kitchen. We all have our vices, and one of my big ones is coffee in the morning. I find that I'm pretty useless without it, but once I have it I'm a pretty cool guy to be around. At least, I think so. Though, I may be biased.

I'm just mixing in my creamer when Anton comes into the room already in an Armani suit for the day. This is so like him. I have almost never seen him in casual clothes. I am more of a polo and jeans kind of guy myself, though I do like to dress up when the occasion calls for it. I just also like to be comfortable. Anton has always been kind of a showy guy.

“Sorry we kind of left you alone to deal with that last night, man, but the kids were really disturbed by the screaming and what went on, and it took the both of us to get them calmed and put back down. And then Nina ended up in my bed anyway. You know I can never say no to that pretty little face of hers.”

Those words surprise me coming out of Anton's mouth, but I know what he means. I'm certain if I ever had a little girl I would probably spoil her too, though I haven't really thought that much about having one other than what the Clans force me to think about. I think it's something that requires the right timing and right headspace to really go for. But I'm certain if I ever do become a dad that, yeah, my kids will be more than spoiled.

“That's all right. It wasn't a big deal. We had some good conversation, and I was glad that I got to be there for her. It sounds like she's been through some really tough shit.”

“Yeah?” Anton asks, getting his own cup of coffee and putting a little bit of whiskey into it. I smile but make no comment, so he doesn’t know I noticed. Coffee and tea may be my main vices with the occasional whiskey, but he likes anything with a bite all the time. I can’t really blame him for it considering the guy can be damn right scary without permanently self-medicating. The only time he lets himself be completely sober is either when he is in the mood to be romantic with the woman he loves or when it’s time for heads to roll. He has no chill, but it’s one of the things I love about him as my best friend. I have a little too much chill sometimes, especially for a mafia leader until it all just builds up and explodes.

“I honestly don’t know much of what’s going on. Natasha and I haven’t seen her in two years, and she calls out of the blue the other night. I don’t know many details because I let that stay between the girls, but when Simion was born, Bethany was supposed to be here and wasn’t allowed or some shit by her husband. He’s some do gooder douchebag that I would guess is hiding some serious issues. I figure this whole thing must have to come down to him. Did she tell you anything?” Anton asks, leaning against the counter.

“Yes, definitely the husband. She mentioned that he showed up at the hotel after tracking her down with the credit card. He was trying to get her back, but he was drunk and got violent when she said no. I would say you’re probably spot on about him having some hidden problems. It didn’t seem to me like he had ever hit her before, but I don’t doubt it would have come up at some point since he clearly has it in him,” I analyze, almost emptying my cup of coffee like my life depends on it -which, really, it does.

Anton shakes his head. “That is such shit. I know when we met him before after Nina was born he seemed like he was going to be the perfect guy for her. Those political types are always out to fool someone.”

I nod my head silently, letting the caffeine seep into my system and make me feel more alive.

“So, since you’re only in town for another two days, what would you like to do?” he asks me, and part of me wants to just say right now I am not going back in two days. Romania has its positives, that’s for sure. There are a lot more things you can get away with in that kind of old world, and the landscape it beautiful, but I also do like to stay away for weeks at a time when I can. I love travelling and experiencing different places and cultures. I get so bored just sitting at home alone and guarding a territory that is pretty much guaranteed to us. I may have the reasons for wanting to hang around, but I am not ready to show all my cards yet, not even to Anton.

“I actually need to go to the drug store and get some purple hair color,” I tell him with a shrug.

Anton bursts into a fit of laughter. “Are you sure you aren’t a fairy?” He punches me on the shoulder playfully, and I laugh with him for a second. Not that I think it would even bother him if I was gay, but he just likes giving me so much shit.

“No, man, I need to get purple hair color for Bethany. I think dying her hair some crazy color will make her feel better.”

Anton instantly stops laughing, and while he says nothing more as empties his cup, he gives me a look like I might have a bug crawling on my damn face. Maybe that did reveal a little too much, but I genuinely want to help her. I don’t know why just yet, but that’s part of what today is, figuring it all out.

Why does she intrigue me so much? What’s under all the makeup and surgery?

“Well, she’s in the guesthouse now. Natasha moved her in there late last night so she can stay. Neither of them wanted to be explaining to the kids this morning what happened to Bethany with the bruises and shit.”

Anton drifts out of the room, and I pour myself another cup of coffee and drink it before I slip on some jeans and run a comb through my hair before I head out, borrowing one of Anton’s many lavish vehicles to get me to the drug store just a few miles down the road. I leave the radio on whatever station Anton has it turned to last since I don’t now a ton about American music and just jam to the rock rap tune that is playing. It’s not half bad, and I am in a good mood when I pull up to the drug store.

I get some looks as I enter and go straight for the hair dye aisle. I probably look out of place in such a nice car and my designer jeans, even though we are near a gated community. I know a lot of people think rich Americans are flashy, but they have nothing on Europeans who remain isolated in their little pods of money or no money.

It doesn’t take me long to find some semi-permanent color in bright hues, and then I see this shiny, metallic, deep purple and grab it, checking out quickly so I can head back. When I get back to Anton’s house, instead knocking at the main house, I go into the guest house, which is unlocked. Hopefully, that means she is not still asleep, because I don’t want to wake her up if she is. But what I find is her curled up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her legs, a coffee mug in her hands, and an episode of Maury playing on television, probably a rerun.

I smirk. “I don’t think watching fucked up TV is the answer for your troubles.”

“Shit!” she curses as she jumps and spills her coffee on the couch cushion. I go into the guest bathroom and pull out a towel, helping her dab at the brown splotch she’s left behind. “What are you doing here?” she asks me, still a little startled to see me.

I simply smile at her and pull out the hair color to show her. “We’re dying your hair today.”