“It’s been two years.”

; “Over two years, actually. But still, I remembered your voice.”

“I’ve had a lot more to do over the last two years than you.”

“Actually, I’ve had a lot to think about, if that counts.”

“And what did you conclude, Robert?”

“That you were well compensated, judging by the size of your house and the luxury car you drove up in. Uncle Sam doesn’t pay that well for someone at your level.”

“I invested smartly and I had some money to start with. It’s all been checked out. My security clearances justify that.”

“Not always, as you well know. Granting security clearances these days is not what it used to be. But I’m not here to discuss your financial circumstances, other than to find out who paid you off.”

“Nobody paid me off. I saw what I saw. You stole classified information from STRATCOM. The DVD was found in your pocket. The evidence doesn’t get much clearer than that.”

“Which is why you put it there, pulled the fire alarm, and then told others to search me.”

“Oh, so now it’s my fault? Do you have any idea how many people are after you? You killed a man to get out of prison. You didn’t get the death penalty for some reason last time, but this time you will. Oh, and your brother was here to interview me. It was clear that he believes you’re guilty.”

“So you won’t tell me who hired you?”

“No one hired me. Being at DB must have made you delusional. And on top of it you’re now a murderer. I hope God will have mercy on you after they stick the needle in you, Robert.”

“I think God will have mercy, but it won’t be directed at me, because I don’t require any.”

“And what about Niles Robinson? Spin that one.”

“I don’t have to spin it. He lied. Same as you. You were in it together. Bought off by the same party.”

“Well, this is obviously getting us nowhere.”

Puller said, “How did you end up at the Center for Combating WMDs?”

“How did you know about that?”

“Please, Susan, don’t insult my intelligence.”

“I’m at the center because it’s a job. There, satisfied?”

He studied her face in the mirror. But her expression was inconclusive. And her hands remained in her lap.

“But it’s an unusual job for someone like you. Your work in the past had to do with inspection of nukes, but your more recent specialty was not in that arena.”

“That’s my business.”

“But it does make sense in one respect.”

Reynolds stiffened once more, Puller noted as he watched her in the mirror.

“To combat WMDs one must know where they are located. Is that why you’re working there, Susan?”

“I have expertise in WMDs from when I worked on the START verification program. Now would you please leave so I can call the police?”

“I’ll get to the truth one way or another.”

“So, you’re going to kill me too? Like you did the man back at DB?”

“He was sent there to kill me. I don’t know if you were told that part of the plan or not.”

“Have fun explaining that convoluted mess to the MPs.”

“If you cooperate with me, I’m sure you can work a deal. You might not have to go to prison for the rest of your life. A good deal, actually.”

“I’m not going to prison. You are. Back to prison. Or dead, more likely.”

She cried out when the needle pricked her neck. She grabbed at the spot a second after Puller removed the hypodermic. He placed it on the table behind him.

She started to turn. He pulled back the hammer on his pistol. “Don’t do it.”

“What did you inject me with?” she snapped.

“Something of my own concoction. You’ll feel your heart start to beat erratically any second now.”

She clutched at her chest, which started to heave. “You poisoned me. You bastard, you poisoned me!”

“The name of the person?”

“He didn’t exactly hand out business cards.”

“Well, at least I know it was a man. Who was he with?”

“Not our country.”

“Which one?”