“How’d he make his money?”

“Finance guy or something. Who the hell knows how those guys make money? They rob Peter to pay Paul.”

“I take it no one was in the car?” asked Puller. “No.”

“Anything else?”

“Isn’t a car bombing enough?” said Landry. Bullock said, “Two guards were attacked. One near the rear fence, the other over near the guesthouse.” He pointed in the direction of the building. “Found them both unconscious. They were pretty burly guys. Whoever took them out was a force to be reckoned with. They finally came to. We questioned both, but they never saw who attacked them.”

Puller gazed over at the guesthouse. “Anyone staying there currently?”

“No,” replied Bullock.

“Is it okay if I take a walk around the grounds?”

“Looking for what?” asked Bullock.

“I usually know it when I see it.”

He left them and walked around the edge of the property. He could see men in black shirts with sidearms and MP5S lurking here and there. Security. Who got their asses kicked tonight. And Lampert would probably kick them again.

But why blow up the car? A message? Was it a message enough?

He looked at the main house ablaze in light.

Then his gaze ventured to the darkened guesthouse. Why one would require a guesthouse when you lived in a mansion bigger than the White House was beyond him. But he supposed at that income bracket, there were no items of necessity, only items of desire.

But then certain possibilities occurred to him. Why have security at the guesthouse if no one was currently there?

He ventured to one of the windows of the structure and hit the flowerbed with his penlight.


He moved around the house, checking the dirt.


Until the third try.

Footprints. Big ones. He held his own foot over one of the prints and came up short by a lot. He estimated a size sixteen. A big man. He took a picture of it with his cell phone.

Maybe just a yard worker cleaning the flower beds.

He looked through the window. Clean shot into what appeared to be a bedroom.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t as simple as a yard worker. And the print was on the house side of the flower bed. Why get so close to the building?

The footprint didn’t look particularly recent. It was hard to say, but they must have irrigation here. So he doubted it had been here longer than a day. Otherwise the water would have dissolved the print.

Now he needed to see what it was the person was looking at.


The door was unlocked. The interior was dark. Puller used his penlight to see where he was going.

Technically he probably wasn’t supposed to be in here, and he didn’t want to call attention to the fact that he was. In his mind he figured out what room that window looked into.

A few moments later he stepped into the room.

Now he had confirmation that it was indeed a bedroom. If this had been a hotel room it would have been one Puller could never have afforded.

He eyed the bed. It was made, but Puller was used to the military precision of square comers and a bed tight enough to bounce a quarter off. This bed was not to that level. And it had a discernible imperfection.

There was a slight bump near the footboard. In the light it would have been hard to make out. In the dark, it was pretty much invisible. But not to Puller.

He carefully lifted up the bedcovers and shined his light under it.

It was a pair of women’s panties. He snapped a picture with his cell phone camera. Someone had made the bed in haste and forgotten this item.

“Russian!” Bullock looked stricken by this. “We got Russians blowing up cars in the Panhandle?”

“Not necessarily. The bomb might be Russ- ian-made, but whoever set it off doesn’t have to be. The Russians sell to whoever is willing to pay.”

He handed the baggie back to the tech and looked up at the main house. It was the biggest home he had ever seen. The guesthouse had been about four thousand square feet. He couldn’t tell how many square feet this was. Perhaps they didn’t use square feet when measuring it. Perhaps they used acres. And there were about forty-four thousand square feet in an acre.

Peter Lampert must do quite well for himself.

But his time was coming, at least according to the writing left in the guesthouse. He had already decided not to tell Bullock and Landry about it. He shouldn’t have gone in the guesthouse, and by telling them he would have to admit to what he’d done.