“Why don’t you call Hooper and Bullock?”

“Why them?”

“Because I’m betting they don’t pick up.” “Why wouldn’t they?”

“Just call them.”

She did so and there was no answer on either phone.

Landry put her cell away. “Both went to voice mail. But they could be asleep.”



“Just don’t think so.”

“You’re not implying that they’re somehow involved in all this.”

“We don’t have time for explanations. Are you coming or not?”

Landry drew another long breath.

Puller said, “I think t

he town can get along without you for a few hours.”

“If this costs me my job?”

“Then you can kick my ass. And I’ll help you get another job.”

Landry smiled resignedly. “And your friend the general?”

“She’ll help you too.”

“Right, like I believe that. I don’t see us being best friends.”

“You might be surprised. Let’s go.”

“Where exactly?”

Puller pointed toward the Gulf.

“Out there.”


The boat was not large, and the seas were rough. Water continually washed over the sides of the boat.

Puller had everyone put their weapons in a watertight compartment. Mecho had given up his gun reluctantly.

Puller could hardly blame him. He did not like to be without a weapon either.

Puller had the wheel of the twenty-two-foot bow rider that Diaz had led them to. It was the same one they had used to dispose of the bodies of the men they killed. There was still some blood on one of the gunwales.

When Landry saw this she looked startled, but on a glance from Puller she said nothing. However, there was wariness in her eyes after that as she stood next to him at the helm holding on as the boat bounced over the waters.

Mecho had given Puller general directions to follow to the oil platform. In the darkness he was navigating by compass and the GPS plotter.

“Are you sure about these directions?” asked Puller. Mecho nodded, though he didn’t look all that confident.

Carson came to stand next to him. She held up her smartphone.

“Before we left land I had my office forward me the locations of every platform within fifty miles of Florida. There is one that is far closer to the coast than any other. Here are the coordinates.”

Puller looked at the numbers on her phone and then checked his plotter. He shot Mecho a glance. “Your memory is good. It’s pretty much right where you said it was.”

A wave hit them and Puller had to execute a sharp turn.

Puller looked at Landry, who was watching the rising seas with caution.

“Why so rough out here?” he asked. “Remember Tropical Storm Danielle? It’s heading this way. Might get up to a Cat One. We’re catching the front edge of it.”

“Great, love the timing,” said Puller.

“You want me to pilot?”

“I got it.”

Landry looked over at Diaz. “That’s the woman from Lampert’s place. Murdoch, right?” “Right.”

“What’s she doing here?”

“You okay on the water?”

“If I were I would’ve joined the Navy.”

“I’d take you back to shore if I could.”

“I wouldn’t let you. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force. We all go where the battle will be fought. Get there however we can.”

“With that attitude you’ll get at least three stars, General.”