Page 10 of Deceit

Chapter Nine


It’s been a week since I was told that I’d need my father’s permission to have my abortion. I thought that getting one from another doctor would be plain and simple, but unfortunately it isn’t. Over the last few days I feel a bit different. I don’t always feel like I’m callous or rude, instead I’m enjoying the sun on my skin and the smells in the air. For the first time in a very long time, I’m starting to feel like a small semblance of myself before I was abducted. Is it wrong of me to feel this way? It quite possibly could be. Maybe it makes me an awful person, cold hearted, I can go on and on at what the bystanders might say. But I can actually eat, I physically want to get up out of my bed every day and face the world. Truthfully, I didn’t know if I’d be able to do that anymore. For a bit, it didn’t feel like I’d have the strength to, only wanting to stay in my bed wrapped up in my comforter. I will say that being taken has changed me, maybe a little bit for the good and most for the bad...however it’s made me stronger in a way that I could never comprehend. While the lessons I went through were horrific...I think that I needed to see how the world really works. At the end of the day, the only person you can ever depend on is yourself and before this ordeal I had no idea about that. I thought my father would always be around to save me, or even my brothers, but I’ve never been more wrong in my life. The only person truly there for me is the one who I stare at in the mirror every morning - myself.

It’s just past eight in the morning, and my father asked me to meet him at the office, which is a little odd considering he hasn’t even wanted to look my way since I’ve been home, and he’s barely spoken a word to me. I know something is up. I just don’t know what at this point, but I have a feeling that when I walk into the office I will.

I stop at the coffee shop just two blocks away and order a caramel macchiato to enjoy on my walk. It’s broad daylight in L.A., and I feel safe. I’m betting the glock in my Michael Kors bag is helping me feel a tad bit more safe. Marcel insisted that I start carrying one, and I’m glad that he did. He’s right, and it does make me feel more safe. Plus, whoever the asshole is who tries to fuck with me has another thing coming. Vengeance on my Mind by G-Eazy blasts through my headphones. I can’t help but resonate with the lyrics.

I continue my walk until I’m right outside of my father’s building. Quickly, I make my way inside, walk past security and go up the elevator to the fiftieth floor. As soon as I exit the elevator, my red flags are darting up. He’s in the conference room with a group of men sitting at the table. I know there are at least three lawyers, seeing their laptops and notepads next to them. It’s always been a dead give away. Slowly, I make my trek towards the conference room, my gut telling me that’s where I need to be. My father sits at the head of the table, and there is a man to his right, a lawyer sitting by his side. Another lawyer is next to my father, and there is a third at the opposite end of the table with no one sitting next to him, showing me that I’m not the only one who’s late to this charade.

“Father,” I greet, approaching him, I take the seat that is free. Next to me is the man with a lawyer on his other side. He seems oddly familiar, almost like I know him. It’s a bit damming sitting next to him, he’s all sorts of dark and handsome. Dark chocolate hair runs to the back of his neck in that business sense style with matching facial hair. His stubble runs along to his chin and accents a thick mustache. Not something I’m usually into, but on him, it works. You can tell that he’s the type of man who displays power, especially when you take in the length of him and his matching Armani suit.

“Lovely bag,” he murmurs, shooting me a smile.

I offer a small smirk back, “Thank you,” before turning my attention to my father. “Want to tell me what all this is about?”

“I will cut to the chase, Aria. We shouldn’t waste any more time on this matter.” He stands up from his seat, turning his attention to everyone in the room. “I appreciate everyone on their patience with us over the last few weeks. You all know why we are here today, to secure a marriage for my eldest daughter, Aria,”

My mouth gapes open...shocked that I know nothing of this. He always told me that when a marriage prospect came through he would notify me of who my suitor was. Never did I think that he’d ambush me in the way that he just did.

He continues as a chill runs over my entire body. Something just isn’t right here, “Lucius, will you please pass Aria the proposal you have so kindly prepared.” The man next to me is passed a paper who then hands it to me. Lucius must be the name of his council.

My eyes rake over the document, seeing that this is indeed a marriage proposal. My thoughts scatter, and the shock sets in. I knew that finding a husband was of importance to my father...but because of his behavior to me over the last few weeks I didn’t think that it was a priority to him. In fact, I thought it was the exact opposite. I’ve overheard him a few times talking to my brothers, hearing things that no one would want to. I know that I’m considered this damaged thing, a filthy thing...that is what he said to Marcel...that I am filthy.

My father coughs, “Well?”

I harshly respond, “Give me a moment. Will you?” Looking back at the contract in front of me, I now know why the man who sits next to me is so familiar. He’s Salvatore Moretti - of the Moretti crime family. They own the Arcane, which is the largest hit for hire company in the world. Yep, you heard me right. They’re assassins. The proposal is very standard. My father had always showed them to me previously, wanting me to see the inner workings of a good deal versus a bad one. There were many good deals that we had passed up, so...why now? Is it because of...oh my god.

It’s because of my abduction. I must be deemed useless in his eyes. I whip my eyes up to him and inform him firmly, “I will not be marrying anyone, father.”

He laughs at me, “That is where you’re wrong dear. You will be marrying one of the two prospects I have for you today. It will either be Salvatore, or…”

“Or?” I press him, raising my eyebrows.

Why would he have two proposals for me when only one man is in the room? Why keep the other prospect away?

He shakes his head, glaring at me. “I urge you to sign on the dotted line and run off with Mr. Moretti.” I simply stare at him, wondering where he gets off in acting the way he is right now. Before I may have accepted this, that this is what my life would always be, nothing but a business deal to him. “Fetch him,” he orders one of his men, and I don’t bother to look in the direction of the door, continuing to lock my eyes on my father. Rage burning through me, trying to understand.

How can he organize this marriage proposal, but yet not look at me, nor speak to me outside of this room? It’s not okay. I miss my father.

I hear a chuckling laugh, and my heart sinks into my stomach. The person who holds that laugh is unmistakable, the man who gave me so much pain and misery for so long. The one man whose blood I want to see splattered on the floor, turning the carpet crimson red.

It’s Cheng.