Page 17 of Deceit

Chapter Sixteen


As of late my life has been so surreal. In fact, there are days where I believe I’m living in a dream. Sometimes I think the darkest part of me wants me to believe I’m still stuck in that warehouse with the Chinese, being used and abused in every way possible. But when I wake up in the morning, I roll over to see the most glorious man staring down at me. My husband.

Always watching. Forever protecting.

Today is the last time Salvatore and I will be in Los Angeles for quite a while. Selfishly, I hope it’s the last time we’re here for years. While I’ve had great memories here, the bad heavily outweigh the good, and I’m done with looking over my shoulder to my past. The present is only about one thing, looking forward to my future which will no doubt be bright and filled with happiness. In just a couple of hours we’ll be on a flight to Seattle to reign the city as Mr. and Mrs. Moretti.

I overlook the city from the balcony of our condo. “You look like you’ll miss it here, but I know better. You’re just excited for the adventure that’s to come,” Marcellus says from behind me.

I turn my body to face him, a smile spreading across my face. “While I’d normally argue with you I can’t help but agree. I’m ready to spread my wings, and I think that I’ll only be able to do that far away from Father.”

His expression says everything I need to know. He agrees with me completely. “He’s only held you back. Now is your chance.”

I nod. “I know what you did.”

“What do you mean?”

“From the very beginning you encouraged Salvatore to marry me. Year after year.”

“Yes, I did. I had a feeling that the two of you would have been a good fit together, and it seems like my matchmaking ways are accurate.” He chuckles the last bit as I make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his torso, hugging the ever-loving hell out of him.

In every family there is a sibling that just understands you on a completely different level. Almost cosmic, or maybe it’s as if they can see your soul. I’m not really sure. I am certain of one thing, though. I believe that God has a guardian angel watching over me, and I know that my guardian angel is my brother. While I love my other two siblings, Marcel and I share a special bond. One that will never be broken.

“Oh stop with the emotional stuff!” I hear Isa pop up from the living room. “We’ve got so much more packing to do.”

“I’ve told you both that there’s no point in packing anything. My house is fully furnished,” Salvatore adds in, a grumble laced through his tone.

“She needs to be cozy!”

“And comfy,” I add.

“Plus, it’s cold in Seattle, and she’ll need fuzzy blankets,” Isa says,

“Maybe even my old duvet,” I comment lowly, seeing the amusement flashing through his eyes.

“What will you two do being so far from one another?”

Isa shrugs while she dramatically falls onto the chaise, “I’ll just have to take up a hobby I suppose, but don’t get used to me being gone because I’ll be in Seattle in just a few weeks for a visit!”

The doorbell rings, and I walk through the living room, into the foyer and approach the front door. Scanning the screen, I see that it’s someone who I least expect - my father.

I place my hand on the knob and open it, revealing myself to him. “Hi,” I say, it coming out as awkward as it feels. I haven’t seen him since my wedding, nor have we spoken since that day.

“Hello,” His eyes gaze over me, some sort of emotion hidden behind those candescent eyes of his. “I wanted to come and wish you well, seeing as I won’t see you for a while.”

For a while? I’m sure he means ever again.

Maybe it should hurt my feelings that I won’t see him, but it doesn’t. In fact, I think it’s better this way. My father has turned into someone I no longer want in my life, nor in my future. He stopped caring after I was taken, almost leaving me to the wolves. No...wait. He actually did leave me to the wolves. He did nothing, made no attempts to save me, and that is why I will never be able to forgive him. He may be my father, and while I might still love him, I will never choose to surround myself with his betrayal or deceit.

“I’m shocked you came here,” I confess, no longer seeing the need to be polite.

“I wanted to see you before you left. Like I said, we won’t be seeing one another for a long time, and I wanted to give my daughter a hug before she flies away.” He wants to give me a hug? What sort of twisted joke is this? “Won’t you invite me in?”

That’s it.

“No, I’m not going to invite you in. Why should I even do that? You didn’t hug me on my wedding day or even wish your congratulations. You have treated me like I’m some infected animal ever since I came back from pure hell, not even looking at me half the time, avoiding me at all costs. For some reason the only person in our beloved family who thinks I matter is Marcel, so why on Earth would I invite you into my home?”

He begins to open his mouth but then closes it a mere second later, knowing all too well that I’m right.

“Go away, and don’t ever come looking for your daughter. Aria Funar is dead. I’m a Moretti now. and I will no longer allow myself to be walked on.” I slam the door in my father’s face and lock it, walking down the opposite hallway I head to the bedroom I share with Salvatore and grab a pillow off the top of the bed, pressing it to my mouth I scream. I scream with all my might, with all of the agony, pain, and treachery I have felt over the last few months. I let every single ounce of it out because this will be the last time I ever let it get the best of me.

I wasn’t kidding. I’m a Moretti now, and never again will I let my past haunt me. No more. This is the end of it.