Page 20 of Deceit

Chapter Nineteen


"Marcel is missing?" she asks me, and I can see the pain in her eyes, though my anger is still too close to the surface for me to give much comfort. Right now, I am in business mode. I need to figure out what has gone down and rather quickly or I could end up never getting to comfort Aria again. There is a threat out there, and I need to find out where the hell it’s coming from and rip it’s fucking head off.

"No, not Marcel," I tell .her, my lips in a firm, thin line as she begins to understand. She nods, knowing that I mean Andrei. On the one hand, it’s best that the heir to the Funar clan has not gone missing, but on the other hand, it can’t mean anything good for Andrei as he is all but expendable. He is likely going to be used as bait in some way, and I don’t like it one damn bit.

My mind races through all of our possible enemies and all of theirs to try and figure out where to start; who could have done any of this. I don’t think any of my personal enemies operate this way or that they would involve Andrei in this. And I don’t think either that the two incidents are unrelated. that would be too much for coincidence. So, that leaves other clans, the Italians, and the Chinese as the likely suspects here. I fume at the thought of Cheng’s men fucking with us again. is he that stupid? But then again, Aria said that the person following her and Isabella was clearly Romanian or Italian, which narrows it down even more.

I begin barking orders to my men; phone calls that need to be made, people that need to be informed and secured in case this is a threat to the entirety of the Clans and not just Aria. It wouldn’t be the first time Mariana's life was in danger, and I am not leaving that to chance. Ion will know what is going on.

"Aria, you will not be leaving the house now until further notice. This is the safest place for you." I plead with my eyes. I know it will be her instinct to fight this, but she needs to get how dire this is. I can't lose her, and even through my anger, I hope she feels why I feel this way. She is my love, my all.

Her lips are tight, and she looks upset but says nothing on the subject other than, "What about Isa?"

I nod, just now remembering she is still in our house. "I think it’s best I call her father and let him know there is a safety issue. He will want her to be protected as well and most likely not here, since the threat is against you."

She sighs and leaves the room, likely to go say her goodbyes to .her best friend. I hate separating them because I know that today was meant to be normal for her and fun, but I can't risk anything here.

I pull out my phone and call for Isabella's father, knowing he needs to hear this from me directly. He seems relatively easy to get to as opposed to some of the Clan men. He doesn’t have levels of security to get through. Maybe it is because he is only an accountant, but being the accountant for Funar certainly comes with its own threats.

"Si?" he answers curtly, clearly not expecting a phone call.

"This is Salvatore, I am sorry to be calling you like this, but the girls just got back from a shopping trip. They got spooked by someone who was following them. I have Isabella here at my place, but some other developments have occurred, and I am concerned for her safety. I thought I would leave it to you to decide how you would like this to be handled," I tell him, leaving out the gory details that are not his business.

"Salvatore...I appreciate the information and your protecting my daughter how you can. I have great respect for you despite how the familias treat you. I will be there myself along with my security guards to take her home as soon as I can."

"Thank you," I tell him in sincerity before hanging up the phone. I don’t receive any praise such as that most of the time. Even being married to Aria does not afford me any respect or kindness from even Baptiste himself. Not that I would expect any differently out of the man after the way he treated his own daughter.

I retire to my office with nothing else to do but start digging in every crevice to figure out who the enemy is this time. To find out where Andrei Funar has gone off to. I lose track of time until my phone rings and I see that it is later into the evening. The number on the screen is a blocked one, and I already have a bad feeling about it when I lift it to me ear and respond curiously.

"Salut?" I say into the receiver with caution, wondering who the hell is going to be on the other side and if they are even going to tell me.

"Salvatore, I have a job for you to do," the voice says. "And we are willing to pay handsomely."

I don’t miss the "we" in his statement, so I know whoever it is, is working for someone, likely a front. These bigger organizations never let their leader anywhere near me for obvious reasons. But this seems even more sinister than usual, and I can’t help but think this is entirely related to everything that has happened today. "Who am I speaking with? I like to do business with someone I can out a name with," I say, playing the game a little.

There is a pause, and I can't quite make anything out, but I believe there is some talking as if the person on the phone is deliberating with someone about what to say. Just when I think I am going to get a completely fake name, I hear something I entirely did not expect.

"This is Andrei Funar."

I sit up in my seat, suddenly more invested in this phone call. If it truly is him, then this could either be something he is forced to do, or he has joined with the enemy. For Aria’s sake I hate to think that he would turn on her, but it would not be the first time a family member did that to another in this life. It happens much more often than it should. Power and money can often convince someone to do things they would never do otherwise. "That is interesting considering I have been receiving worried phone calls and messages from your family members wondering where you are." I decide to go for honestly and see if I can make him reveal anything at all.

"I am perfectly safe for now," is all he tells me. Though his voice seems cool and calculated, there is an edge to it that only someone who has dealt with so many liars and killers could catch onto. "All you have to do is complete this job," he adds, making the purpose of this call clearer than ever.

"Alright, I'll bite. Who am I being ordered to take out this time?" I ask, seeming casual.

"Baptiste Funar," is the answer I get before the line goes dead..