He raced to his Malibu, popped the trunk, grabbed his first aid bag, and ran back, his long legs chewing up the distance.

When he got back she looked worse. If the heart crashed now, the EMTs, instead of saving her, would pronounce her dead when they arrived.

He opened the kit, readied his equipment. He talked to her the whole time, trying to keep the old woman calm. One ear listened for the ambulance.

He had done triage in the middle of nowhere with guys who looked like red chunks of meat. He had saved some, lost others. He had made up his mind he was not going to lose her.

Puller swabbed her arm with alcohol, found a good vein, and inserted the needle, taping it securely to th

e inside of her forearm with white medical adhesive. He screwed the other end of the line into the IV bag of saline he’d pulled from his kit. Fluids got the blood pressure up. Same method the docs used to save Reagan after he’d been shot. It was a liter bag with an eighteen-gauge line. It was a gravity feed. He held it above her head and opened the feed wide. It would take twenty minutes to empty the bag. She had five liters of blood total. A liter of saline would boost her by twenty percent.

When the bag was half empty he punched the on button on the cuff again. He read the numbers. Both were up to safer levels. Whether safe enough he didn’t know, but he didn’t have much choice. She was gripping her chest tighter. Her moans both deepened and lengthened.

He said, “Open your mouth.” She did and he slipped the nitro tablet under her tongue.

The nitro pop worked. A minute later she was calming; her chest stopped heaving. She took her hand away from it. With heart distress, your artery was undergoing spasms. The nitro knocked that out. With the spasms gone lots of good things could happen, at least until the ambulance arrived.

“Take long, deep breaths. Paramedics are on the way. Aspirin, nitro, and fluids have helped. You’re looking better. You’re going to be fine. Not your time yet.”

He hit the cuff button again. Read the numbers. Both up. Both better. Her color was improving. It was a mini-miracle in the middle of coal country.

“Hospital is a long way away,” she gasped. “Should’ve moved closer.”

He grinned. “We all have regrets.”

She smiled weakly, took his hand. He let her squeeze it as hard as she wanted. Her fingers were tiny, weak. He barely felt the pressure, like a rippling breeze. He could see her face relax. Her teeth were yellowed, black in places, gaps in other places, and nearly all the remaining teeth were crooked. And yet it was a nice smile. He appreciated seeing it.

“You’re a good egg,” she said.

“Anything you need taken care of around here? Anybody I should call for you?”

She shook her head slowly. “Nobody but me left.”

Up close Puller noted the heavy cataracts. It was a wonder she could even see him. “Okay. Deep, steady breaths. I hear the siren. They know it’s cardiac. They’re coming prepared.”

“I thank you, young man.”

“What’s your name? Annie, like on the sign?”

She touched his cheek, thanked him again with a shaky smile, her lips curling in pain with each beat of her creaky heart.

“My name is Louisa. I can’t really tell you who Annie was. Name was there when I bought the place and I didn’t have the money to change it.”

“You like flowers, Louisa? I’ll send you some in the hospital.” He held her gaze, willing her to keep calm, breathe naturally, and not think about her heart trying to stop forever.

“A girl always likes getting flowers,” she replied, her voice weak.

He heard the engine, followed by the crunch of gravel, doors opening and closing, feet running. The paramedics were swift, efficient, and well trained. He told them about the aspirin, nitro, the fluids, and her blood pressure. He listed her symptoms, because she didn’t have the strength to talk now. They asked all the right questions, spoke calmly, and had her masked on oxygen and on a fresh drip within a few minutes. Her color improved even more.

One EMT said to him, “You a doc? Did all the right things.”

“Not a doc, just a soldier with a few tricks. Take good care of her. Her name’s Louisa. We’re buds.”

The short man stared upward at the massive former Ranger and said, “Hey, dude, a bud of yours is a bud of mine.”

Louisa waved to Puller on her way to the wheels. He followed. She slid her mask off.

She said, “Got a cat. Could you—”

Puller nodded. “I got a cat too. No problem.”

“What’s your name again, honey?”

He sipped his coffee. Twenty minutes to get his food and eat it. Forty minutes to the crime scene. Zero-six-thirty. Just like he’d told Cole.

He sipped more coffee. It was good, it was hot, and the mug was big. He cupped it with his hand, felt the heat sink into his skin.

The thermometer outside was already at eighty. It was also muggy. He had felt the sweat form on his body when he’d run to his car for the first aid kit. But when it was hot outside, you drank something hot. That made your body cool itself. When it was cold, the opposite. Simple science. But, frankly, regardless of the temperature, Puller liked his coffee. It was an Army thing. Puller knew exactly what it was. It was a few moments of normalcy in an otherwise abnormal world where people were trying to kill each other.

“You John Puller?”

He looked to his left and saw a man about sixty standing next to his table. He was about five-nine and rotund, with sunburned skin. Fringes of gray hair hung out from under his hat. He was also wearing a police