The kidnapping itself was something else. I am no worse for the wear. After we were assured that I was fine at the hospital despite the stitches I needed, we checked into a hotel where Tori proceeded to show me just how much he loves me. I blush at the memory. There is where he told me I was the only woman he’d ever been with. We did so many things that I didn’t know were possible. We had Bridget and Siobhan arrested. I didn’t want those misguided women’s blood on our hands. Poor Ryan. He was such a nice guy about everything.

He thought he was sparing their feelings by lying to them, but he knows better now. He is moving to Bleak within the month, not wanting a thing to do with the family business. I can’t believe Berserker hired him, but I think he’ll be an asset. Apparently, he’s the complete opposite of his brother.

I stare at myself in the mirror. My dress is my something old and something borrowed. It is Enid’ dress and my mom’s veil. The dress is off white and hangs off one shoulder. It’s hits just at my knees. It’s somehow very 60’s, 80’s, and now. My mom’s veil is also off white but very short, more like a funeral veil, but it goes well with the dress.

The look on Tori’s face as I walk out to him tells me everything I need to know. He looks so handsome in his church suit. His nephew, Bill, is officiating. He is the pastor of Bleak’s non-denominational church. I should say that he is his nephew who is older than him. Let’s not get started on Miss Enid. She’s a badass former spy who really likes her husband. She was having babies well into her forties. But I guess with the state’s top gynecologist as your husband, you feel pretty comfortable with that. At the end of the aisle I kiss my father’s cheek and he hands me over to Tori. His fingers graze over the back of my palm in slow even strokes. I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry, but I think that ship has sailed as my wry thoughts meet the tears actually streaming down my face. The all too quick ceremony is over before I know it. Suddenly, I am Mrs. Tori Jorgensen and I have never been happier.

They say that the love of a good man is what gets you through life. While I agree with that statement, loving that good man in return also gets you through life. Our first kiss as man and wife sets the tone for the rest of our lives and it thrills me. It’s not more than ten minutes into our reception before we are consummating our marriage in the hall closet. As we were walking back in, everyone applauded knowing what we were doing just now.

As if I didn’t already know, I’m totally going to fit in with his family.



3 months later

“Tori. I want to go to sleep. I’m exhausted.” I look over at my wife and smile. I am more than aware that she is tired. She is carrying around two precious bundles in her stomach. We found out a month a half ago, that she was having twins. Every time we would go have an ultrasound the other one would be hiding. Then finally, poof. To say we were both shocked is an understatement.

Since finding that out, we have been a frantic mess. Which is precisely why my family and I have decided to throw her a surprise baby shower.

“I promise you are going to love it, baby. Come on. Let’s go.” I lead her inside the building. I knock three times, so they know it’s us. As soon as we walk in everyone jumps out.


“Oh my God. How did you guys do all this?” She turns to me with tears in her eyes. “Tori…” Oh shit. I hate it when she cries.

“Baby, stop. I know they are happy tears, but you know how I get. Please stop.”

“I’m sorry. I am just so happy. I love you so much.”

“I love you too baby. Now let’s go mingle.”

As we walk around and party with my family, I finally feel like I’m complete.

* * *


Sixteen Months Later

I am not sure where I get my strength these days, but I do. I am exhausted all the time. The only time I’ve ever felt this way was when I was newly pregnant with Bjarke and Embla. No! I can’t be?!? But honestly, I probably am. Since we got the go ahead from Dr. Denise, Tori hasn’t kept out of me. If we’ve had a free moment, he’s been inside of me and I’ve loved every single minute of it. I’ve just put the kids to bed after a three in the morning bottle. Climbing back into bed, he pulls me towards him, and I rest my head against his chest.