Except for Tori.

Tori’s not like that, at least not for me. The thought of him being head over heels like that for another woman makes me want to throw up again, but I tamper down the feeling. I refuse to cry about him again. Other than our initial seconds of speaking, when he called me his wife, he has done nothing to show me he loves me. Or even cared about me. I talk to Lanie every day and she hasn’t mentioned him.

I am sure I’ll see him when I get back home. He’s Erik’s uncle after all. How will I gather enough strength to get through this?

Either way, I gotta put on my big girl panties and be the best I can be. I am not alone anymore. The precious life I’ve got inside has shown me that no matter what, he or she comes first.

Chapter 3


Shit. I rub my chest for the hundredth time today. The pain happens every time I think about my woman. Kensie. The one who took me by surprise and changed everything. Then ghosted me. Yep. You heard me right. I have been calling her and texting her for the past three months since I took her virginity and she returned to school and nothing. Not a ‘hey go fuck yourself’ or an ‘I miss you.’ I even went to Lanie and in a roundabout sort of way asked about her. She looked at me like I had one too many hits off that green shit. I don’t blame her. No one knows what happened between the two of us except my brothers. Who are right now giving me shit about the fact that I haven’t kidnapped her or some shit like their crazy asses. Want to know something? I am starting to think they are right.

“Seriously, Tori. How the fuck did you let her leave after that shit? I don’t know how the hell you are still standing. You see what the fuck I did.” Om. The fucking criminal of the family. He held his girl hostage, so to speak in a cabin we use. Fucking Psycho.

“Not everyone has to resort to committing a felony, bro.”

“Shut the fuck up Brand.” I chuckle shaking my head at my two older brothers.

“I know guys. Trust me. But she had to get back to school. I was not about to come between her and her education. I figured we would talk and shit you know, until her summer break. If I would have known she was going to vanish, I would have done a bunch of shit differently like Lojack her phone.”

“Listen, we get it. It sucks trying to do the right thing. But, if you don’t put your fucking foot down, some other guy is going to poach your shit.” A growl leaves my mouth as I think about the assholes on her campus probably trying to get in her pants as we speak. The fuck? Maybe they are right. As soon as she comes home, I am going to trap her little ass somewhere, push my ring on her finger and fuck her into oblivion. Just thinking about her tight ass pussy has my cock doing push-ups.

“Do you know when her last class is?”

“I overheard Lanie saying something about it being Thursday night. Lanie is going to drive up there and help her bring her stuff back Friday morning.”

“Well you know mom is having her weekly Friday night dinner. So, she is bound to be there. I say you bound and gag her and take her to the cabin by the lake on the other side of Moosehead.”

“No shit, bro.”

“I might just do that. But first, I want to talk to her. See where her head is. Maybe this is just too much for her. We might want different things. She has to know she wants this. Because let’s be honest. Once she chooses this life, that’s it. I know all of you think I’m soft and shit because you say mom babied me since I

was sick as an infant, but I’m telling you, it’s not true. I just haven’t had a reason to let that part of me out. The minute my ring gets on her finger and my baby in her belly, the beast will be unleashed. She has to be ok with that.” I am serious. There is a slight growling of a wolf inside of me, trying to force its way to the surface. Waiting for its mate to show herself so he can come out and take control. Angels have mercy when it does.

“Well, we wish you luck. Women can be fickle creatures especially when they feel like they have to choose. Just let her know you’re in this for the long haul.”

“Thanks. Well, I would like to get some shut eye. Thanks for hearing me out.”