“Fuck, baby. Are you okay?” he asks when I finally stand. He hands me a toothbrush.

“I’m fine. Lanie and I had some questionable gas station food earlier. It did not agree with me.”

“Are you sure. Should I call a doctor?” he asks looking concerned. I brush my teeth and turn to kiss him, trying to distract him. Which, thankfully, works.

“No doctor needed. I am feeling much better,” I tell him. “Let’s go back to bed,” I say taking his hand.

“If you are sure?” he asks laying back down.

“Perfectly. You go back to sleep. I’m going to get a glass of water.”

“I should get that for you,” he says.

“No, babe. I got it. Sleep.” He lays back down and I scurry like a thief in the night to the kitchen. The clock on the stove tells me it’s only midnight, so I take a chance that Lanie is still awake. Grabbing my phone from my pants pocket, I quickly dial her. She answers on the second ring.

“Kensie? Are you okay? Where are you?”

“I am fine. I told Tori I got food poisoning from lunch on the way home.”


“I got sick. He wanted to call a doctor. I just need to you to back me up. I doubt he will, but you never know.”

“I don’t know, Kensie,” she hedges.

“You owe me,” I say.

“Ugh. Fine. What did we eat?”

“Something from a gas station,” I reply.

“Ew, no wonder you got the fake food poisoning,” she says, laughing, her voice highly exaggerated.

“Thank you,” I say sighing.

“Bye, bitch,” she says hanging up.

Fuck. I hate lies. They always come back around and bite you in the ass.

Chapter 5


I am not surprised when I wake up Monday morning to her already out of bed and in the kitchen. Being on a student sleep schedule must take weeks to break. She has been up early every day for the past two days. I am almost positive I can hear her vomiting under the guise of running water, but by the time I get to the bathroom she is brushing her teeth like nothing happened. We have been in a sex haze since Friday night and hell if I am going to complain about it. Shit, if I’m honest, I would love nothing more than to stay in that haze right this moment, but I have an appointment with a client I must get to in a bit.

I drag myself out of bed, walking into the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. My mind keeps going back to, finding out she hasn’t received any of my calls and texts. I lean over the sink, the same feelings of being a worthless dumbass from high school finding its way back into my chest. When I was in eighth grade, I was having so much trouble with math. Despite tutors and special study sessions, I just couldn’t get the hang of it. It was so bad, I would get into fights at school with the kids that made fun of me. My parents, not knowing what to do, sent to me to a therapist who also served as a guidance counselor. It didn’t take long for her to figure out I was dyslexic.

No one in my family had ever known someone with this disability. They did as much research as they could, found the top professionals to come in and it was determined I didn’t have the kind that had issues with reading, though sometimes it can manifest like that during times of stress or when I am upset. Luckily, in my job I am a man of action. My problem is with numbers. I routinely switch numbers around and transpose others. I feel like such a moron. Despite her very tender understanding and not holding it against me, I hold it against myself.

“Some man you are, Tori.” I shake my head castigating myself. I don’t know how I expect to take care of a family if I can’t dial a simple phone number.

“Tori. Breakfast.” Kensi yells from the kitchen. She has taken it upon herself to make breakfast for me every morning. She says she feels bad that she is on vacation and I still have to work. I fucking love this girl.

“Coming baby.” Though I still feel like shit, I don’t want to leave her waiting. Dumbass or not, she is mine now, and there is no way I am going to give her back. I finish getting dressed and walk into the kitchen. As usual, she looks delicious as hell in her apron, with my button up on and nothing else. If it weren’t for the importance of this meeting, I would fuck her right on this counter. However, as the face of the company, I have to be on time and ready for anything with these meetings.

“Mmm… smells good Cricket.” I whisper in her ear with my arms wrapped around her stomach. “But nothing smells as sweet as your pussy.” My hands can’t help themselves. They travel under the shirt, roaming toward the bullseye between her legs. Damn! No underwear.