Page 46 of Hard for You

She wasn’t going to be in Wolfe’s presence for another minute. This fucking hurt.

After everything she had facedwith the pack, nothing compared to this. She could take her parents hating her. The pack despising her. Being sent to a damn building that was far away from the pack as possible, but this with Wolfe, no, this hurt.

He thought she was a liar. Lying about a mystery stalker to gain attention. Attention she wasn’t even seeking.

How dare he?

Then, to make matters worse, he was embarrassed by her. This had moved so freaking fast.

Her dogs hadn’t come back to her, and Amelia started to worry.

“Amelia, wait. If you just tell me the truth, I won’t let the club know. I’ll tell them that I handled it, and everything will be fine.” He grabbed her arms, forcing her to look at him.

She glared at him. “Oh, so you think you’re doing me a favor?”

“Come on, this is better this way. The pack, they don’t have the patience with you.”

She pulled out of his grasp. “I have never lied. I have never wanted attention from you or the pack. I will not admit to something I didn’t do. I didn’t lie here. I know what I saw.” She stepped away from him as Wolfe tried to move closer. “Don’t you dare touch me. Don’t you dare come near me.”

Wolfe went to open his mouth when one of her dogs letout a cry.

Panic filled her, and she took off, running toward the sound.

Rascal came back to her, his tail between his legs, looking terrified. No Buster, but she lifted her head, inhaling.

Her wolf happened to like their dogs. Running toward Buster, she found him on the ground, panting, and there was a bite on his leg.

“Theyclearly got into a fight,” Wolfe said.

Amelia picked up her dog, knowing Rascal wouldn’t have done this. “Of course.”

“Where are you going?” he asked.

She didn’t talk to him, just kept on walking, holding Buster to her. There was only so much that she could do, and she had to go to the vet. Buster was hurt.

Wolfe thought it was Rascal, but Amelia knew differently. Rascal didn’t have many teeth left. It was why she could only use soft food with him. Wolfe didn’t know that.

Something or someone hurt herdog, and she was going to find out.

“Amelia!” Wolfe called after her.

He wouldn’t break Alpha’s word, but she had no choice.

She carried her injured dog out of the forest and made her way toward the vet. The one she had told Wolfe about.

The womanat the desk was very understanding, and as she laid Buster on the table, Doctor Milton didn’t look happy. Amelia had a feeling Buster wasn’t out of the worst of it yet.

Chapter Ten

“You think she lied?” Alpha asked.

Wolfe nodded, not wanting to say the words for a second or even a third time. The brothers looked grim. Alpha didn’t look impressed.

He’d followed Amelia to the vet yesterday, and he had to wait from the forest edge forhours before she came out.

With her was a human.

Wolfe had watched this human put his hand on her shoulder and talk to her. Amelia looked heartbroken.