Page 101 of The Only Exception

“I can’t tell you because I promised not to.”

“Why is it a problem if someone knows?” Ridge asked.

“Because it was private. I tried to give her worldly validation. I wanted her to know that she’s really amazing and she deserves recognition, but she doesn’t care about that. Instead, I gave her the impression that if she wasn’t doing things a certain way then maybe it wasn’t good enough.”

Ridge stared at him. “You lost me, man.”

“Sheisgood enough. She’s amazing, and I love her so much, and I want everyone to know how great she is.”

“Sounds like you need to tell her that,” Ridge said.

Blake looked at the exit where Everly still hadn’t emerged. Megan caught his attention as she walked toward the door. She pointed at it and mouthed, “I’m going to check on her.”

Good. If Blake had been squirming ten minutes ago, he was completely on edge now.

Megan peeked her head outside the door and jerked it back in, locking eyes with Blake immediately. “Hurry!”



Everly stepped outside and sucked in the fresh air. It was the first real breath she’d taken since the shock of hearing Renee had read her book.

What had Renee even said about it? Everly hadn’t been thinking clearly enough to listen.

Wrapping her arms around her middle, she rested her back against the wall and closed her eyes. The only thing she wanted to do was talk to Megan, but it was her friend’s wedding day, and Everly would never bring drama to what was supposed to be a happy day.


Her eyes flew open as that comforting breath seized. “David.”

He jogged toward her, weaving through the cars in the parking lot. His tailored suit was as crisp as his controlled hair.

No, no, no. Everly was not dealing with David on top of the Blake problem today. She looked over both shoulders, gauging her options. Back inside or away from the wedding party?

Away it was. The last thing she needed was to bring the David mess in front of an audience.

“Everly. Wait!”

Stupid heels. Stupid heels.

Wait, this way didn’t offer an out unless she ran around the whole building. Was David really scary enough to run from?

No. She shouldn’t have to run from anyone. Turning at the end of the building, she held out her hands in a halting motion.

“Everly, I just want to talk.”

“No, I’m not talking. Just leave me alone,” Everly said boldly. “What are you even doing here? This is a private wedding.”

David smoothed his already pristine hair. “I’m a plus one.”

Everly huffed. “Megan would never want you at her wedding. Why would you come?”

“I just want to see if we can work this out. We were supposed to get married.”

Everly rubbed her forehead. “Getting married is not a goal to check off your list. I get it that you planned on us getting married, but then you cheated on me.”

“But I said I’m sorry. I miss you. I made a bad decision, and I learned my lesson. You’re the only one for me, and I know that now. Natasha wasn’t as good as you.”