Page 109 of The Only Exception

“Where’d you say she’s from?” Ridge asked.

“Bear Cliff, Tennessee.”

Blackwater Wyoming was a long way from home. “What’s she want to move here for?”

“Change of scenery?”

“Sounds fishy.”

“Everything sounds fishy to you. I’ll let you know tomorrow if she’s a spitter or not.”

“Thanks for the heads up.”

Ava’s tone softened. “We’re going to find the perfect person to help you get this thing off the ground. I know it’s important to you, and Grandpa needs this too. He wants to know he’s leaving more than land here.”

Ridge looked up at Blake and Everly, lit up by the headlights as they hugged. Seriously, they were just hugging. Didn’t they have something better to be doing? Apparently, love didn’t make sense. Maybe that’s why Ridge hadn’t found it yet. He wasn’t the embrace for hours under the stars kinda guy.

But Ava was right. Did any of this matter if there wasn’t someone to share the highs and lows with? When Ridge was growing up, he’d had his family. When he played football, he had a team. When he threw his career away, he still had his sister and best friend.

Now, his sister was marrying his best friend, and they were planning to ride off into the sunset together.

Life was going to be lonely in six thousand square feet of empty space. Ridge needed something to work for too, and this program was it.

“I won’t let him down. This will be good for the ranch.”

“And the kids,” Ava said. “You’re going to love teaching them how to work hard.”

Blake and Everly walked toward the truck with the puppy following close behind. Ridge sat up straighter and donned his baseball cap. “Looks like the lovebirds are ready to head back to the dance hall.”

“Good! I’ll meet you over there. And I’ll send you this woman’s resume. Check your email.”


Ridge’s phone dinged with a new email before he’d ended the call. He pulled up the attachment and skimmed it.

“Cheyenne Keeton,” Ridge said just before Blake opened the passenger door of the truck.

“She said yes!” Blake shouted.

Ridge started the truck. “A little louder. I don’t think they heard you in Australia.”

“I said yes!” Everly yelled louder.

“Just get in so I can escort you back to the dance hall. Everyone is waiting.”

Blake and Everly climbed in, and Ridge drove slowly over the dark path. Everything was coming together, and soon, he’d be ready to kick off the kids’ program. He just needed to hire someone. It didn’t matter who it was as long as she was dedicated, but the name Cheyenne Keeton rang in his thoughts for the rest of the evening.


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