Page 14 of The Only Exception

Blake hadn’t understood why David hadn’t moved to Blackwater or tried to spend more time with the amazing woman he intended to marry. It all made sense now. The idiot had been stringing Everly along and doing whatever he wanted all over the country. Blake and Ridge had hoped David would stay faithful, but the odds had always seemed slim.

“With Natasha Franco. Did you hear that part?” Everly whispered.

“I don’t know who that is, and I don’t care. He cheated on you?” Blake’s breaths were shaky, and his face was heating up.

Everly forced a smile. “Didn’t I mention that?”

“No, you definitely didn’t. So you broke up with him?”

Everly’s gaze darted around the restaurant. “Yeah, I guess.”

“You guess? I need you to say, ‘Yes, Blake. I kicked that jerk to the curb.’”

Her eyes widened as she leaned over the table. “Can you keep your voice down?”

“This level of frustration calls for some extra volume.” He ducked his head and threaded his fingers through his hair. This information changed some things.

“It was Natasha Franco,” Everly said again.

Blake raised his head. “You keep saying that, but I don’t understand.”

“She’s the actress. Young, beautiful, starred inForgiving LilyandLast Summer.”

“I don’t care if she’s the princess of Europe. You were engaged to the guy. He shouldn’t put his hands on other women. That’s pretty black and white. End of story.”

Everly rolled her eyes. “You didn’t say lips.”

Blake reached for her hand on the table and enveloped it in both of his. “Listen carefully. There’s no excuse for cheating. Ever. Don’t adjust your worth based on his stupidity.”

She covered her eyes with her free hand. “Thanks. It probably wouldn’t have hurt so much if I hadn’t seen the photos.”

“You saw photos? Ev, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah. Megan went through a lot to get them.”

“I knew I liked her. She’ll be getting a gift card from me.”

Everly laughed. “She did mention that she missed getting gift cards from you.”

“She was the best assistant I ever had.” He meant it, but the scales were severely tipped in Megan’s favor because she’d helped him get the contract with Ridge, which led to meeting Everly.

“She’s a good friend too.”

“David is a dead man,” Blake whispered.

Everly grinned. “When are you going to get all these threats out of your system?”

“Not any time soon. Does Ridge know yet?”

“No. I called you first.”

Everly called Blake first. He didn’t want to examine the why behind that decision. He wanted to blissfully believe there was something to read into.

“The plotting hasn’t even begun.”

The waitress popped up beside their booth, and Everly gently pulled her hand from Blake’s.

The waitress poised her pen above the pad. “Sorry ‘bout that wait. What can I get you?”