Page 18 of The Only Exception

“Well, Blake rode in on his white horse and whisked me away to fairytale land–AKA the bookstore.”

“Oh, good. I feel better knowing Blake is with you. I didn’t want you to be alone right now.”

Was her mom glad it was specifically Blake or was she just glad someone was with her? The distinction between the two seemed important, but Everly didn’t press for clarification.

“I’ll be fine. I’m getting a few books, and I have some editing work to do tonight. That’s enough to keep my mind off things.”

“It’s okay to be hurt, sweetheart. Just don’t forget that you’re loved beyond measure.”

Everly couldn’t help but smile at that. Her mom was overly loving, and she hoped to one day be the same kind of mother with her own children.

The thought of children sent a shock of pain through Everly’s chest. She wanted a family, but that dream seemed far away right now. “Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

“Love you too. Seriously, call me if you need anything. I can be there in no time.”

Everly had definitely inherited her optimism from her mother who considered a multi-state flight to be “no time.”

They ended the call, and the ache she’d expected to feel after talking about the breakup was dull. Hopefully, she could get some sleep tonight and be able to face the world with straighter shoulders tomorrow.

After a few more minutes of browsing, Everly made her way to the front room to check out.

Blake stood. “Find what you were looking for?”

“Always. It’s a store full of books.” She opened her arms, indicating that the whole store was exactly what she was looking for.

Blake smiled down at her and gestured to the register. “Let’s settle up.”

Minutes later, they walked out into the bright Wyoming sun. Everly looked away as Blake donned his cowboy hat. After seeing him in business suits and at black-tie events, she could confidently say she preferred the rugged look on him. He wore flannel like some men wore a three-piece suit.

“What now?” he asked as he held the passenger door of his truck open for her.

“What do you mean?”

“Where to next? This is your day.”

Everly shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Think about it.” With that, he closed the door and walked around the truck.

Wheredidshe want to go? As long as it wasn’t that house she’d planned on sharing with David, she was fine.

Blake slid into the driver’s seat and looked her up and down. “Any ideas?”

Everly lifted her hands, palms up. “Not one.”

He checked his watch. “I was planning to take one of the horses out on a trail I’ve been clearing. We have a few hours before sunset.”

“I haven’t been riding in a while. Can we stop by my house so I can get a thicker coat?” She immediately sputtered, “I mean, it probably won’t be my place for long. I’m sure David won’t be happy about any of this.”

Blake rested his hand on the back of her seat as he backed out of the parking space. “Don’t worry about him. We’ll find you a new place that’s better than that big, lonely mansion.”

“Only you could make a million-dollar house sound like a bad thing.”

“Just trust me.” He gave her a quick wink as he pulled out into the road.

“I do.” Everly’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and slipped it into the cup holder in the console. “I’m leaving this thing here.”

“That’s my girl,” Blake cheered.