Page 28 of The Only Exception

“Don’t waste any more tomorrows with a man who threw you away yesterday. I’m glad you kicked him out.”

“Technically, I’m expecting him to kick me out. The house has his name all over it, not mine.”

“Are you serious? He didn’t put your name on it anywhere?”

“Well, he was paying the mortgage, and we’re not married yet. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. Now, I’m kind of glad we don’t have something this huge to fight over. He can have it.” The last part was true, but it still stung.

“Where will you go?”

“That’s the million-dollar question. I’m hoping to figure it out today.”

“Remi and I have a couch. It’s kind of comfy if you remember.”

Everly had lived with Jess in the two-bedroom apartment, and they’d spent a lot of time on that couch. Everly had edited her first full book there while Jess watched horse training videos on YouTube. “Thanks, but I need to find something a little more permanent than couch surfing.”

“I don’t get off until seven this evening, so I can’t help you find a place today, but I can help pack later. I’ll stop by Grady’s Feed and Seed and ask if they have any boxes we can use.”

“Thanks. That would be great.”

“Are you okay?” Jess asked.

“I’m fine.”

“Ev, if you need help, you have to tell me. Use your words.”

Everly chuckled. Jess certainly knew how to use her words. “I promise to tell you, but I’m really okay. Blake took me to a new spot on the river when we took Burgundy out, and we went dancing at Barn Sour.”

“You went dancing and didn’t tell me? I feel like I missed a big moment in your life.”

Everly kicked the blanket off and climbed out of the warm bed. “I’m sure Haley Harding has a low-quality video on her phone.”

“Ha! If Haley got you out there, I know it was crazy. I’m texting her for evidence.”

Everly stepped into the bathroom and flipped on the light. She squinted at the brightness. Great, she’d been up for five minutes and already had a headache. “As long as you don’t blackmail me.”

“No promises. But for real, Ev. Don’t let this drag you down. Trust that it’s all part of God’s plan, and where you’re going is better than where you’ve been.”

“You’re full of wise words today.”

Jess was often accused of being too gruff with the other employees and even the guests, so she tried to balance her forthright attitude with motivational quotes and verses on the barn planning board every day.

“I got a new devotional last month.”

“I need a new one. The dumped girl’s guide to single life.”

“You didn’t get dumped,” Jess added quickly.

“No, but he ruined the relationship first. Being the one to get to do the dumping after he already had his cake and ate it too feels a lot like I got the short end of the stick.”

“Ugh. I’m so glad we can forget about David now. He wasn’t good enough for you.”

“Thanks. It’s just going to take some time to get used to being single again. We were together for years.”

“And you’ll do just fine,” Jess said. “You’ve basically been independent this whole time anyway. He might have paid for the house, but you did all the work.”

“Now I get to do it again without his credit card. Not that I need anything nice. I don’t need a big place like this anyway. It’s too showy.” A quick idea crossed her mind. “Hey, do you know if any of the wranglers’ cabins are open?”

Jess sucked air in through her teeth. “That’s a no. And some of them are more like bunkhouses. You do not want to be anywhere near a tiny cabin with six smelly men.”