Page 102 of Almost Everything

Everly jerked back. Was he serious? No woman wanted to know that she’d be in competition with other women for the rest of her life.

As good as. Those words summed up David’s thoughts on anything. Being with David had subjected her to a life of comparison, and she’d rather live in a well filled with frogs.

Blake had never made her feel like she didn’t measure up. Well, until today when he’d insinuated that her writing wasn’t anything if it wasn’t published.

“David, it’s really over. You’re not going to marry me like you planned, and I’m sorry that the deal you had with Ridge fell through, but that’s not my fault.”

David’s eyes narrowed. “We can fix this. Why are you fighting it?”

“Because I’m not going to marry you!”

David grabbed her arm, jerking her slightly toward him and knocking her off her feet in her heels. She stumbled, and David’s hold on her arm tightened.

“Let go.” She was falling, but she’d rather hit the ground than feel his grip on her.

David continued pulling her up, never relaxing his grip. “Stop fighting me.”

“I’m not fighting you! I just want you to leave me alone.”

David’s lips thinned into a hard line. “Stop being stubborn and just listen to me.”

“No, you’re not listening to me. I said no. No means no. That should be the end of it!”

His fingertips dug into her arm, and the lines between his brows deepened. “You’re a piece of work. I don’t have time for this!” he yelled close to her face.

Her heartbeat quickened as his words echoed in her ears. Would he hurt her? Why hadn’t she chosen the audience?

He jerked her arm, knocking her off-kilter. She fell into his chest, instantly pushing against him. “Let me go.”

David grabbed her ponytail, jerking her head back and toward him. “Stop fighting!” he growled in her ear. The hot breath sent a chill down her spine.

Panic rose in her chest. His grip was so tight on her arm, she would have bruises. And his grip on her hair had her neck aching at the odd angle. “You’re hurting me.”

“Shut up,” David growled just before the back of his hand stung her cheek.

Everly froze. The demand in his voice was an echo of the pain in her face. Pricking behind her eyes was a warning that tears were well on their way. She’d told Blake not to follow her, and she was alone in this fight.

Her hand fisted at her side, and a blip of hope bloomed in her chest. This was her fight, and she needed to take control. David had her on the defense, but she had to end this.

David was spewing hate at her, but his words were white noise.

She took two deep breaths and jabbed the heel of her hand under his nose until she heard a crack and felt the structure of his cartilage crumble.

He stepped back and screamed, holding both hands over his face. When he released his hands, blood flowed over them to the ground. “You little–”


Blake’s voice allowed her to breathe, even as she felt David tense all over. He released his grip on her seconds before Blake’s fist connected with his face.



Pain shot up Blake's hand and into his arm. He could only hope the blow hurt David's face more.

Retribution limits were blurred, especially when red tinged the edges of Blake's vision.

David fell to the ground, landing with a hard thud. Blood was smeared across his face and ran from his nose over his mouth. Was any of that blood Everly’s?