Page 106 of Almost Everything

Stuffing her phone into her back pocket, Everly looked around, making sure she had everything she needed. “Stella decorated the bedrooms.”

Remi snapped her fingers. “She’s hired. As soon as I find a man and a house.”

Everly laughed, shooing her friend out of the room. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

Remi practically skipped toward the stairs. “I can’t wait until you see the surprise!”

“Remi, it’s not a surprise if you’ve already told me about it.”

“Your birthday party isn’t the surprise,” Remi said with a wink before descending the stairs.

It was true that Everly’s birthday party hadn’t been a surprise, but she was an adult. She didn’t need presents, especially when she was getting to hang out with all of her friends in the dance hall for the evening.

Remi coaxed Everly through the dining hall and into the dance hall just behind it. Throwing open the door, Remi yelled, “Surprise!”

As soon as Everly stepped through the door, her friends stood and cheered. “Happy birthday!”

Everly covered her cheeks, unsure how to react. Being the center of attention wasn’t a problem if she knew everyone around.

Before she had a chance to speak, her mom and dad raced toward her. “Happy birthday, Ev!” they shouted in unison.

“What are you two doing here? I didn’t know you were coming!” Everly opened her arms and embraced them both.

“Jess invited us, and it’s been so long since we’ve seen you,” her mom said.

“Thanks for coming. I’ve missed you.”

“We’ve missed you too, sweetie,” her dad whispered in her ear.

One by one, everyone stepped up to hug her. She’d underestimated the number of friends she’d made at Wolf Creek Ranch. There were even friends from church and town. Jess and Remi had really gone all out with this party.

When Remi grabbed Everly’s hand and led her to the serving bar, everyone started falling in line behind her. She scanned the room, catching sight of so many familiar faces but not the one she was hoping to see.

“Where’s Blake?” she asked.

“He’ll be here soon. He had to pick up your birthday present,” Remi said.

“That’s sweet of him, but I have everything I need. Thanks for getting everyone together.”

“We haven’t had a big bash in a while. It was time, and we had a good excuse.”

Everly filled her plate and sat down at a rectangular table in the middle of the room. Slowly, the seats around her began to fill until everyone was eating and chatting. The dance hall was buzzing with excitement.

When Everly had eaten the last of the burger on her plate, she craned her neck, looking for Blake.

“He’ll be here soon,” Remi assured.

“What time is he supposed to be here? You think something happened to him?”

Remi waved off the thought. “No. Just be patient.”

Just then, the door opened, and an enormous flower arrangement in a crystal vase floated into the room. Hank was barely visible behind the display as he made his way straight toward her in the middle of the room.

“Delivery for Everly Grace Cooper!” Hank shouted.

“Right here!” Remi yelled, waving and pointing at Everly.

Ava and Jess cleared the plates from the table so Hank could place the huge vase right in front of Everly. Every color was represented. Reds, purples, yellows, and pinks were surrounded by sprigs of white and greenery. Fiona really went all out on this one.