Page 12 of Almost Everything

Finally, Blake asked, “Are you okay?”

Everly lifted her head from his chest. “Yeah. Just embarrassed.”

He jerked his head toward the exit. “Let’s go. You can cry in my truck, and no one will judge you.” He halted and looked around. “Where is your luggage?”

Everly wiped her eyes and pointed to the customer service desk. “They’ll call me when they get it back. It was already on the flight.”

Blake looked Everly up and down. The brightness was missing from her eyes, and her usual smile had been replaced by a flat, exhausted expression.

“Have you eaten?” he asked.

Everly threaded her fingers through her long hair, pushing it back away from her face.

“Not since early this morning.”

Blake laid a hand on her back and gently nudged her toward the exit. She fell into step beside him, but they didn't speak until they reached Blake’s truck.

When both doors closed, and the silence settled around them, she sighed. “Sorry about all this.”

Blake merged into the lane toward the airport exit. “It’s not a problem. What do you want to eat?”

“You don’t have to get me food. I can just eat something at the ranch when we get back.”

“I took the day off.”

Everly jerked her attention to him. “Why? You didn’t have to do that.”

“But I did it anyway. Now, what’s for lunch?”


“Everly, I want to feed you. Please tell me what you want.”

She rested her head against the passenger window. “I could go for a burger.”

“Buck’s?” If Blake ever ate a burger that wasn’t cooked on his own grill, Buck’s was always his first choice.

“Definitely. I might even go crazy and get avocado on mine.”

Blake grinned. Everly loved avocado, and he gave her a hard time about it whenever it came up. He’d rather eat dirt than an avocado, but today, Everly was getting an avocado on her burger.

Minutes later, Everly tapped his arm. He glanced over at her, and the sadness in her eyes made his gut wrench.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Blake huffed. “Really? You’re asking me ifI’mokay?”

“You look angry or upset or something.”

“Probably because Iamangry.” Honesty was always the best policy, and he’d always been up-front with Everly about everything except his feelings. Those were locked away for a reason.

“Look, I’m really sorry. I know this is taking up most of your day. I should have just parked at the airport. I’ll give you double gas money.”

Blake’s frustration mounted. He was irritated, and things were coming out all wrong. “I don’t care about gas money.” He’d never take a cent from Everly. He had enough money to buy anything. Too bad it couldn’t buy a quiet life in rural Wyoming with the woman he loved.

There was a shake in her whisper as she said, “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

“That’s not it, Ev. I’m not mad at you. Never you. I’m mad at him for hurting you.”