Page 23 of Almost Everything

Instead of asking more questions, Jess took Burgundy’s reigns. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Right now, I have to get Burgundy cooled down.”

Everly watched her friend go, thankful she hadn’t been asked to recount the humiliating story again.

Blake bumped her elbow with his and tipped his head toward the big sink on one side of the stables. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.” It was true, and she owed all of today’s optimism to Blake.

Everly was drying her hands when Paul and his dog, Thane, entered the stables. The huge wolf dog looked intimidating and hardly ever left Paul’s side. The older wrangler was as rock steady as they come, and Thane was a lot like him. Except Thane broke away from Paul’s side when he spotted Everly.

She squatted and greeted Thane with open arms. “Hey, sweet boy.” The dog tucked his snout into the crook of her neck as she ran her hands along his thick fur.

Blake greeted Paul, who gave a slight tip of his hat in passing. Thane lifted his head when Paul was about ten feet away and darted off to join his owner.

Everly stood and opened her hands. “I guess I’d better wash up again.”

Blake rested his shoulder against the wooden wall by the sink. “It’s weird seeing you hugged up to a full-grown wolf.”

“Why?” Everly crooned. “I love him, and he loves me. That’s all there is to it.” When she’d dried her hands again, she looked up at Blake. “Wouldn’t it be great if human relationships were that easy? Thane is a dog, and I trust him more than the man I intended to spend my life with.”

“That’s just sad. We need to work on your discernment.”

Everly tossed her towel in the bin and followed Blake. “So I’ve heard. Jess and Stella are going to have a party when they hear David and I broke up.” Of the women on the ranch, Everly had spent the most time with Jess when they’d lived together and Stella because they worked side-by-side every day. Those two had heard about every up and down in her relationship with David. Well, they pretty much knew her whole life’s story.

“Don’t let it upset you if they’re not bummed about your breakup. It means they support you.”

“I know that, and I understand why they feel that way. I just hate that he couldn’t get along with my friends.”

They reached the truck, and Blake opened the passenger door for her. “The right man will, and you won’t have to worry about it.”

Hopefully, Blake would be right. It had always upset her that David hadn’t gotten along with Jess or even Ridge.

Blake settled into the driver’s seat and asked, “Where to now?”

“I don’t know.” Everly shrugged. “I’ve hardly ever been in town for my off days, and I have no idea what to do.”

“I haven’t been to Barn Sour in a while,” Blake said. “We could eat, hang out, listen to music, and forget everything else. Just have fun.”

Everly’s eyes widened. The local restaurant usually had live music after dark. “I haven’t been in ages.” She held out a hand. “Wait, you aren’t going to try to convince me to dance or something.”

Blake chuckled as he backed out. “I wouldn’t do that, but I know you like to people watch.”

“I do like watching, especially when it’s early in the evening before anyone is drunk enough to cause trouble.” It meant a lot to her that Blake never tried to force her out of her comfort zone. Barn Sour was a fun hang-out, but she’d never worked up the courage to actually participate in the line dancing and two-stepping. She had fun watching the others either show off or laugh at themselves learning the moves.

Blake had already gently pushed her out of her comfort zone once today, and she was feeling almost bold enough to do it again.



Blake shoved the last of a taco into his mouth while Everly scrunched her nose at him.

Blake wiped at his chin. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

“Who puts mashed potatoes on tacos?” she asked.

“My mom. Don’t diss my mom. She’s a genius.” Barn Sour was one of the only places around here that would accommodate his weird taco topping request.

Everly held up her hands and smiled. “Nothing against your mom, but it looks gross.”