Page 9 of Almost Everything

“It doesn’t matter. How long has this been going on?” Her hand shook as she held the phone to her ear, but she couldn’t stop things now. The train was on the track. The rocket had launched. There was no turning back from this. Their relationship was tainted, and all she could see was the black stain spreading through every memory and emotion.

“Everly, we were at a gala. There were other people there. I’m not seeing another woman just because we were at the same place together. You’re acting ridiculous.”

“I said I saw a photo. You were clearly kissing her. Are you listening to me at all, or are you that intent on silencing me?”

“You couldn’t have seen a photo. No one had a phone.”

This was why Megan had insisted on a photo. Without that evidence, Everly might have been persuaded to believe him. Now, she couldn’t. “Why are you lying? You’ve been caught, and there was evidence. Stop lying!”

Honesty had always been a constant in Everly’s life. She trusted her parents, her brother, and her few friends wholeheartedly. Until now, she’d trusted David. He’d never given her a reason to doubt him.

Honesty was a key ingredient in her relationships. Her first job had been tracking down false headlines and media mentions of her brother. She’d been good at her job, but she’d also seen the nasty lies people would spew to gain a few views and followers.

Everly watched a woman jog past the food court dragging a carry-on. Anyone within ten feet of her had a front-row seat to this nightmare, and she couldn’t gather the energy to care.

“You didn’t want to travel with me,” David reminded Everly.

“You said we could make this work long distance until we got married.” They’d spent the majority of their relationship apart, and she’d thought they were doing a great job. They visited each other and made the most of their time together. Maybe she’d just given him more opportunities to get away with his affairs.

“We’ll never be married at this rate!” David shouted. “You’ve put it off and put it off. Do you expect me to wait forever?”

He had her there. She’d been dragging her feet, and he’d noticed. Maybe there was a silver lining. She hadn’t lost hundreds of dollars in non-refundable deposits.

Hot tears stung Everly’s eyes. Her words and chin shook. “I didn’t expect you to wait forever, but I did expect you to either be faithful or have the decency to break up with me in a mature way.”

“You hate going to those things. You clammed up every time I mentioned an event or you saw a camera. I was saving you from the media.”

“Consider me saved.” Everly’s words held more bite than ever before.

“Trust me, everyone knows you’ve protected that precious virtue. Five years, and you’ve barely let me touch you.”

Embarrassment settled in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t consider herself an intolerant prude, but she didn’t like talking about sex in public, especially not mixed with hurtful words and criticisms. She would stand by her decision to wait until marriage to have sex, but she didn’t want everyone on David’s side of the call knowing it.

David sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated because I’ve had to wait so long.”

David claimed to be a Christian, but she knew he hadn’t been celibate before her. It was a part of his past she’d forgiven with the hope they could move forward as man and wife, faithful to God and each other. Clearly, David’s resolve hadn’t been as strong as Everly’s.

She stayed quiet while the anger and sadness filled her heart. Right now, she wanted to give herself a high five for holding out.

David continued his rant full of excuses. “And you’re always at the ranch, and you said you didn’t want to leave work so much.”

Everly felt her cheeks heat. She disliked the public scrutiny. Always had. She’d stayed well out of the way while the media followed her brother like a hawk–waiting to strike. It was hard to step into that spotlight knowing nothing good would come of it. Plus, she was shy, which always proved difficult when mingling was expected at social events.

“You’re right. I don’t like it, but I’ve been by your side at every event you said was important. I never turned you down because it mattered to you.”

“I didn’t want to invite you knowing you’d say a quiet hello to anyone I introduced then hide behind me while the conversation continued.”

Everly’s face grew hot. She hadn’t meant to be rude, but that was the way David saw her–a weighty burden.

She took a few deep breaths and continued, “I know you don’t understand, but–”

“You’re right. I don’t,” David interrupted. “It reflects poorly on me.”

Everly straightened her shoulders. How had he turned everything on her? “So, you think that’s a good excuse for attending a formal event with another woman?”

“This is crazy. You’re my fiancée!”

“No. I’m your ex-fiancée. You can haveNatasha Franco.” Everly accentuated the pompous name, and she didn’t care if she’d succumbed to pettiness. Completely winging a breakup with a man who assumed he had the upper hand had the odds stacked against her.