Page 99 of Almost Everything

He’d done enough damage. He couldn’t tell another soul about the books and dig the hole even deeper. “Um…”

“Does it have something to do with a book? What book? I didn’t know Everly wrote a book,” Megan said with wide eyes.

Blake rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, and she told me not to tell.”

“And youtold?” Megan shouted.

“I know! I shouldn’t have.”

“What are you doing? Go tell her you’re sorry for being a tool.” Megan started shoving him toward the door.

“I can’t. She told me not to follow her.” After witnessing Everly tell David to stop trying to contact her and his disregard for what she was asking, Blake couldn’t be that guy right now.

Megan looked to the door and back to Blake. “And you just did something she told you not to.”

Blake nodded, groaning as rocks tumbled in his stomach. His instinct urged him to go to Everly, to fix things, but her concrete words kept him in place.

“I should go get her then,” Megan said, bundling her dress into her arms.

“You can, but she was upset because she’s supposed to be working. She said she needed a minute to get herself together so she could get back to work.”

Megan stared at the door. “Talking about it might make it worse for her.”

Blake dropped his chin. “I don’t know. She’s never been upset with me like this before.”

Megan tilted her head, giving him a sympathetic smile. “Me either. She’s rarely bothered by anything.”

“So, I really screwed up.” Blake took a deep breath, trying to calm the worry swirling inside him.

Megan rested a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. She’ll come around.”

“She might stop being mad at me or even forgive me, but she won’t forget this. I broke a huge trust.”

Megan wrapped her arms around Blake’s shoulders, and he leaned into the hug. “Best assistant ever?” she asked.

“Definitely. It would be great if you were around more. You know, to keep me from messing things up like this.”

Megan pulled out of the hug and looked up at him with a grin. “You don’t need my help. I know you’re worried right now, but she knows you love her.”

“I love her so much I can’t breathe right now.”

Megan waved her hand, motioning to breathe in and out slowly. “You can do this. Let her have some time this afternoon, and the two of you can talk about it later.”

Blake nodded. It was sound advice, but his adrenaline was sitting on eleven, ready to spring into action. “Thanks. I hate that I’ve upset your maid of honor on your big day.”

“I’ll talk to her when she comes back in. Just an encouraging word.” Megan gave him a wink and stepped back into the crowd.

Blake eyed the door, wishing Everly would walk back in so he could see with his own eyes that she was okay.

He’d given someone her book. How stupid!

Ridge stepped up beside Blake, holding a small cup of punch. “Hey, have you tried this stuff?”

“Punch?” Blake asked.

“Yeah. It’s fantastic. This is my sixth cup.”

“How have you made it over thirty years without trying punch?” Blake asked.