he got back, it seems she was right. And maybe she was afraid to tell you.”


“You’re the law. Maybe Danny was mixed up in something not quite legal.”

Tyree’s anger faded away. “I guess I can understand that. By the way, that description you gave me of the men, I’m sending it around to the state police and to sheriff’s offices in other towns. But they didn’t ring a bell with me and I know just about everybody around here.”

“Well, it was dark and things were happening pretty fast. I didn’t get that good of a look at them so my description wasn’t all that great. But I caught Shirley Coombs snooping around Willie’s trailer right before Danny was attacked. I think she was looking for something.”

“Like what?”

Stone told him about the Tylenol bottle. “And Josh Coombs was shot by his friend, Rory Peterson. Quite a coincidence.”

Tyree nodded dumbly.

“Those are a lot of pieces dangling out there,” noted Stone.

“But how do you tie it all together? That’s the thing.”

Stone stood up. “I’m heading over to the hospital to see Danny and Willie.”

“Well, you tell Danny he needs to start telling me the truth. He’s the way we get to the bottom of all this. I’m convinced of that. And once his story comes out, those boys won’t go after him again.”

“I’ll tell him.”

As he was walking out, Stone noticed a long-barreled shotgun resting on a table with a tag on it.

“What’s that?”

“The shotgun Debby was killed with.”

“Do you mind?”

“Go ahead.”

Stone picked up the gun, first holding it by the stock and then by the muzzle. When he laid it back down his face was puzzled.

“What?” asked Tyree curiously.

“Not sure. I’ll let you know.”

Actually Stone was sure. He was six-two with exceptionally long arms. He had gauged that with the muzzle perched in his mouth he could have managed to pull the trigger. Barely. He thought back to the photo of Debby that Willie had shown him. There was no way the petite Debby could have done it.

Someone had killed her.

Stone walked outside. That’s when he noticed the sign on the one-story building across the street.

Peterson’s Accounting Service.

He crossed the street and peered in one of the windows. He saw a desk, file cabinets and shelves and a dead corn plant. Other than that the place looked to have been cleared out. There wasn’t a computer, printer or fax machine in sight. He noticed some people passing by on the street who were staring at him. He smiled at them and ambled off. Crossing back to the other side of the street, he pretended to be window-shopping. He passed by the bakery and decided to go inside when he saw Bob Coombs standing at the counter.

“Hey, Bob, how’s Willie doing?”

Bob smiled and said, “Docs say he’ll be coming home real soon.”

“I’m going over to see him today. I’ve been using his truck. Hope it’s okay.”

“After what you did, you can use anything of his you want.”

Bob bought a cup of coffee and some donuts while Stone admired the half-finished mural of a country meadow scene on the wall behind the cash register. Bob offered to buy Stone a coffee but he declined.

The two men walked outside where Stone said, “I ran into your daughter-in-law the other night. She told me that the whole town blames her for something. Any idea what?”

Bob’s features turned dark as he bit into his donut. “It was because of Josh’s death. He wasn’t even supposed to be hunting that damn day. Shirley had been nagging him about not killing any deer that season. Now, Josh was a good hunter, but the truth was Shirley didn’t give a crap about eating venison. Couldn’t cook it worth nothing, all gamey. It was just her way of cutting Josh down. Well, she wouldn’t stop nagging and Josh finally headed out that morning by himself. He was real upset.”

“How’d you learn all that?”

“Josh called me when he was driving over to the woods and told me what had happened. Hour later my boy was dead.”

As the two men parted company, Stone glanced over at the courthouse. There was a white Cadillac parked in front with the license plate HCDJ. Then Stone froze when he saw her.

Why was Shirley Coombs going into the courthouse?


AFTER A LONG DRIVE Annabelle and Caleb had arrived in the town where Stone had gotten off with Danny. Annabelle had done a quick recon of the small downtown area and then settled herself at the counter of the venerable One T. A few other butts were parked next to hers, all of them male. She got more than one look from some of the younger men at the counter. She shot back a smile here, a nod there to keep the interest stoked in case it came in handy later.

“Where you coming from?” the waitress asked her as she poured coffee into Annabelle’s mug.

“Don’t go to Skip’s Motel down the street,” said the waitress, a smile playing across her lips.

“Why not?”

“’Cause that’s where he’s staying, honey. Or at least he asked for a place to crash and I told him about that one. Try Lucy’s at the other end of town. She’s got a couple nice rooms for let.”

“Thank you. Skip’s, huh?”

“You got it, sweetie.”