“Not really. It was pretty crazy. Lots of people and I was hustling drinks all night. It was free booze courtesy of the host. And there were a lot of really good-looking women. I th

ink they might have been like, you know, escorts or something that were hired to attend. Some of the guys were getting really looped and copping feels all over the place. But the ladies didn’t seem to mind, which is why I think they were paid to be here. And some of the guys left with some of those women and went upstairs. For dessert, I guess,” he added with a grin.

“Anything else strike you as out of the ordinary?” asked Robie.

“Not really. Just lots of money, lots of booze, and people having a good time. I remember thinking that there’d be a lot of guys who’d want to be Scott Randall. He’s not that much older than me. Money, gorgeous wife. I heard somebody say he played college football. He’s a big, strong guy. Good-looking. And somebody said he’s got his own jet.”

“Makes you feel any better, he inherited it all from his dad.”

“Damn, some people have all the luck.”

“Yeah, well if I were you, I’d aim higher than Scott Randall,” said Reel before walking away.

Barry looked at Robie. “What’d she mean by that? I don’t see any private jets or supermodels in my future.”

“Are you an asshole?” asked Robie.

“What? No, I mean, no, I’m not. I may not be rich but I’m a nice guy. Ask anybody.”

“Then that’s what she means by aiming higher.”

Robie caught up to Reel at the elevator banks. “How’d you figure Randall in this?” he asked.

“I remembered what Lambert said to us. He told us that Randall had recently turned thirty-eight.”

“That’s right. But why would Lambert foot the bill for the birthday party?”

“Because Randall had just dropped four million on an apartment in the bunker. I guess the profit margin allowed Lambert to throw the guy a party.”

“Never would have occurred to me. Guess that’s why I’m not a businessman.”

“Guess so.”

They rode the elevator down to their truck and drove out of the garage.

Robie said, “So Drango worked a party thrown for Scott Randall and paid for by Roark Lambert. Which rich a-hole was she referring to?”

“Maybe both.”

“But how does that help us?”

“It could be a coincidence that Drango worked that party. But if Lambert or Randall was involved with the people in the van, Drango might have overheard something at the party.”

“But she said that Lamarre had already told her about the van.”

“Right. So if she did hear something suspicious at the party she would have been able to tie it to the van because she knew about it.”

“That makes sense.” He smiled. “You have the makings of a good detective.”

She didn’t return the smile. “And my detective skills are telling me something is off with you and Malloy. And I’d like to know what it is.”

Robie’s grin faded and he focused on his driving.



“YOU THINK BLUE Man found out about these prisoners in the van and then was taken?”

Robie and Reel were in his hotel room staring at the laptop screen where DCI Rachel Cassidy was staring back at them. She looked tired, her eyes heavy and reddened and her posture reduced to a slouch. Behind her Robie thought he could see a glass with some amber liquid in it.

If this job didn’t drive you to drink, no job could, he thought.

“Okay, now I know it’s how she earns extra money. But how likely is it she would be working a craps table at a birthday party for Scott Randall paid for by Lambert? Coincidence?”

“Maybe she helped them somehow and her being there wasn’t a coincidence. And I can think of one reason why she might want to be in the same room with either or both men if she had helped them somehow.”

“To get paid off for whatever it was that she did,” said Robie.

Reel nodded. “You wouldn’t want any money trail to follow. But if she surreptitiously got paid off in cash while working at a birthday party? Who would be the wiser?”

“But what would she have done for them?”