“Why?” he said suspiciously.

“I have to get it right for my report. If heads roll on this I don’t want anyone pointing their fingers at me. See what I mean? They’ll have to point ’em elsewhere. Like at you.”

“But I got rules to go by. And the administrator’s out this week. It’s just me runnin’ the show.”

“Hey, Doug, it’s your call. But I have to tell you, that excuse will not cut it if a building blows up or a plane goes down. What are you going to say when 60 Minutes sticks a camera in your face? ‘Sorry, I had petty rules to go by’? Good luck with that.”

Dugan looked like he might faint. “But what the hell can I do?”

“You can let us see Jane Smith.”

“But I could get in trouble.”

“Anybody comes down on you, we will take care of it. Way I see it you’re being a patriot. Putting your duty as a citizen above a stupid rule.”

“I…don’t know about this.”

“Fine, Doug, I hope the other shoe doesn’t drop on this because about a dozen people have died so far and I don’t see it getting any better.”

“A dozen people! In Mississippi?”

“Have you been reading about the goings-on in Cantrell?”

Doug nodded. “I remember readin’ about a couple of murders down there, yeah.”

“Well, the body count has gone way up but they’re keeping it under wraps. Don’t want to panic the public.”

“Shit, you think this is connected to all that?”

“Only reason we’re here, Doug. Don’t know about you, but I don’t have that much time to waste. We are trying to keep America safe from its enemies.”

“Sure, of course. I get that.”

“So can we count on you to help us on this? I don’t want to have to make a phone call and bring in more firepower on this. You won’t be a happy camper if I do.”

Dugan set his clipboard down and wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead. “No, look, that won’t be necessary.”

She clapped him on the shoulder. “I knew you’d come through for us. I can always tell a straight-up guy.”

Dugan smiled. “Hey, if this turns out to be part of some plot, will I get like a medal or somethin’?”

“I don’t see why not.”

He beamed. “Hot damn. Wait till I tell my girlfriend.”

“So what do we need to get this going?”

He handed her two visitor’s badges. “These. And I’ll take you down there myself.”

Robie came back over. “What’s going on?”

“Doug has seen the light. He’s helping us prevent a potential terrorist situation.”

“Right, good, thanks, Doug.”

“No problem, sir.” Doug gave him a little salute.

As they walked down the hall Robie said, “How often does Bunson come by?”

“At least weekly, sometimes more often.”

“How old is Jane Smith?” asked Reel.

“File says forty.”

“How long has she been here?”

“Two years.”

He stopped in front of a door and took out a key from his pocket.

“What’s wrong with her?” asked Robie.

“Like I told your partner, she’s just a wacko.”

“But is there a technical term in her file?” he said.

“Oh, right. She’s a schizophrenic, if memory serves. But I’ll check her file.”

“Do you have an address for Bunson?”

“I can check on that, too. How long do you think you’ll be in there?”

Robie put his hand on the doorknob.

“As long as it takes.”



“That would make anyone look smaller. And she probably gets no exercise in here.”

Clearly frustrated, Robie said, “But it’s been over twenty years. I can’t be sure if it’s her or not.”

“But how does Laura Barksdale end up in here under a false name with her brother as her guardian and who’s also using an alias?”

“I have no idea.”

“Were there problems in the family?”