“I feel prepared.”

“Maybe you can get Skyler motivated. He’s been talking about going back to California for college for years now but hasn’t actually taken any steps to make that happen.”

Why would Skyler come to California for college? Had he kept in touch with other people from when he lived here? Maybe he had. Or maybe he simply liked California. It obviously had nothing to do with me.

“Always trying to get rid of me, Mom,” Skyler said. There was a smile in his voice but his back was still to me. Good thing because if he had looked, he would’ve seen my surprised face.

“You know I’d never let you leave my house if it were up to me,” she said.

“Wow! You just lie so easily.” He laughed. “Like it’s nothing.”

She swatted him with a dish towel. “I am an angel.”

Skyler wrapped one arm around her shoulder. “Yes, you are.”

“An angel that likes to nag you about college.” Olivia added a pancake to the stack she’d started on a plate and carried it over to the table.

“That would be cool if there really were angels assigned to that,” I said. “Maybe I’ll request that job in heaven.”Seriously, Norah?

“You want to nag people for an eternity?” Skyler asked, eyebrows raised.

“Only if it’s you.”

“Because you’re obsessed with me?”

“That’s one word for it.”

Olivia chuckled like we were teasing each other. We weren’t.

“The bacon is done,” Skyler said. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

“Super quick,” Olivia said. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

“Five minutes. Promise.”

She flicked him with the towel again as he jogged to theirRV.

“You want to tell your family breakfast will be done soon?” Olivia asked me.

“Yes, of course. Is my mom not out here already?”

“I haven’t seen her yet.”

That was odd. She was usually an early riser. I went inside and pulled back the curtains on Ezra’s lower bunk. “Rise and shine, Your Highness,” I said when he groaned. “Breakfast.”

I knocked on the door at the back, which my mom had slid shut. “Mom, breakfast.”

“I’ll be right out,” she said. Her voice sounded off, thick with emotion. Or maybe just sleep.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m good.”

I waited inside while Ezra got ready, my back against the door, staring at my mom’s closed slider.

Ezra came out of the bathroom. “What?” he asked.

I nodded toward the back room. “Mom,” I mouthed.