“Have you never been to Vegas?” Austin asked.

“Have you?” I returned.

“When we used to live in Fresno, we did a weekend trip.”

I didn’t remember them going to Vegas, but I was sure Skyler must’ve said something at the time.

“Our families actually did things independent of each other?” Ezra asked in fake shock.

I took a pair of sunglasses that were clipped to the visor and put them on. I pushed on the ends behind my ears several times, making them go up and down. Neither of them laughed.

“Whose are these?” I asked.

“Mine,” Austin said.

“You wear big sunglasses.”

“Let me try them on.” Ezra reached out and waved his arm in my direction.

I batted his hand away and put the sunglasses back. “No, you’ll crash us.”

“Why do you keep insisting I’m going to crash?”

“I’m not letting you wear sunglasses at night.”

“Did you mean to quote a song?”

“That’s not a song.”

“Austin, I wear my sunglasses at night. Is that a song lyric?”

“Yes,” he said.

“You two are like an old married couple,” I said, even more annoyed. I’d said they’d hung out as much as me and Skyler had when the Huttons lived in Fresno, but they really hadn’t. Skyler and I had been the superior friendship. Austin and Ezra were default friends. Friends because our families got together a lot and they were the same age. But now they only served as proof of how far apart Skyler and I had drifted. And with Austin here in our RV, when was I ever going to be able to talk to Ezra alone and find out what he was keeping from me?