“So it’s a secret about something else, then. What?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I heard you on the phone. You said you wouldn’t tell me something.”

He looked up as though thinking, then shrugged. “You must’ve misheard me.”

I tried to remember exactly what he’d said, but I couldn’t. I knew I’d heard my name. Or at least I thought I had. Ihadbeen a little jumpy that day. “Fine, whatever.” I’d let him win for now. Maybe Willow would find something that would force him to tell me.

He looked from my wet hair and my tank top down to my cutoff shorts and bare feet. “Get ready and come play Ping-Pong with everyone.”

I slid my feet into flip-flops. That’s about as ready as I was going to get for a game of Ping-Pong. “Give me my cookie back.”

Ezra ate the rest in one bite.

“You’re the worst.”