“It’s been fun,” I said, which was only half true.

“Mom is letting me drive a lot,” Ezra said.

“So I’ve heard.”

“Speaking of Mom,” Ezra started, and I pinched his side. “Ouch. What?”

I pushed mute. “You’re really going to come right out and ask him?”

“Why not?”

“What are you going to ask him?”

“If she’s okay.”

“I thought you were going to ask him if they were getting a divorce,” I whispered.

“Why would I ask him that?”

“Okay, fine. The okay question is good.” I unmuted the phone. “Sorry, we’re back.”

“What was that about?” Dad asked. “You needed a sidebar?”

“Is Mom okay?” Ezra blurted out.

Dad’s eyes darted to the ceiling before they were on us again. “Mom is…fine. Just give her extra love, okay?”

“Why?” I asked.

“She could use it right now. Look, I have to run, but I promise Mom is going to be fine.” He hung up the phone.

“Well that was cryptic,” Ezra said.

“And he totally hung up on us.”

“So wait, do you think they’re getting a divorce?” he asked.

“I don’t know, that was just one of my top theories.”

“And your other theories?”

“I don’t want to think about them.” As far as I knew, my mom and dad had a great marriage and Mom was perfectly healthy. “We need more clues.”