Julie shot a glance at Shepherd and then looked over at Reel. “So where is your real daughter?”

Reel looked down at her hands. She said quietly, “I don’t know. I had to give her up for adoption a long time ago.”

“Why?” Julie wanted to know.

“Because I was really still just a kid myself and I had no job. And then the job that was offered to me didn’t provide for a baby in tow.”

“Right,” said Julie, both looking and sounding disappointed.

Reel got to her feet and turned to Shepherd. “Lesley, I owe you more than I can ever repay.”

Shepherd took Reel’s offered hand and shook it. “Are you kidding? My honor.”

Reel turned to Vance. “Can I ask a favor?”

“How can I say no?” said Vance.

“Can I take a couple of photos?”

“Of what?”

“I’ll show you.”

The two women left. Robie turned to Julie.

“You sure you’re okay? They didn’t…you know, do anything to you?”

“Other than smacking me around, the creeps left me alone. But that wouldn’t have lasted. The head guy was a psycho.”

She drew closer to Robie. “Did you know that Jessica didn’t know where her daughter was?”

“No. I just recently found out she had a daughter. She’d never talked about it before.”

“Do you think she regrets it? I mean, giving up her kid?”

“I don’t know. I guess most mothers regret it, don’t they?”

Julie shrugged and looked somber. “Some don’t have a choice. Like my mom. But she always wanted me back.” She thought for a few seconds. “I think Jessica regrets it.”

“I think you’re right.” Robie put an arm around her shoulders. “And I know Jerome will be glad to get you back.”

“Are you going to make this, like, a habit?”


“Saving me.”

She was joking, but Robie frowned. “I hope I never have to again, Julie. Considering it was our screwup that got you involved in the first place.”

“We got out okay.”

“No one can count on that to keep happening.” He was about to say something else when a woman appeared in the doorway.

Robie looked at her in surprise.

It was DD Amanda Marks. She smiled and came forward.

“You must be Julie. I’ve heard quite a bit about you from a friend of yours.”

“Jessica?” asked Julie.

Marks nodded. “I’ve been told that everything turned out all right.”

“It did,” said Robie. “And thanks for the assist.”

“I almost never get an opportunity to give back. It actually felt good.”

Reel came back into the room, trailed by Vance. Reel looked relieved about something. Vance actually looked pleased. Reel shook her hand.

“Thanks, this means a lot.”

“I truly hope it works out for you.”

“Oh, I think it’ll work out just fine now.” She looked over and saw Marks. “I’d like to finish this now, ma’am, if that’s okay.”

“With my blessing, Agent Reel. With my blessing.”

Julie glanced sharply at Robie. “What are they talking about?”

“I’m not sure,” admitted Robie.

Reel called out to him. “Hey, Robie? You want to be in on the end of this thing?”

He turned and hurried off.

Reel stepped forward, with Robie right behind her.

“Sally?” said Earl. He attempted a grin, but it failed about halfway to his mouth. “What you be doing here, girl?”

“Just coming to say goodbye, Earl.”

“Hell, you already done that. Not that I ain’t glad to see you again.”