“Look, I know you said you wanted to get out more, and it was nice to have a drink together. But I’m not sure you’re really here. If you know what I mean.” She bit into a fry and looked down. She continued, “I mean, I’m just a policy geek. I’ll never make much money. I’ll spend my life at a desk writing well-researched papers that no one will ever read. And even if they do they’ll spin them in ways I never intended. You’ve made a lot of money, probably traveled the world. I must seem pretty boring to you.” She nervously picked up another fry but didn’t eat it. She just stared at it like she wasn’t sure what it was.

Robie hunched forward, coming out of his protective shell in more ways than one. He took the fry from her and bit it in half.

“I wanted to have a drink with you. If I didn’t want to I wouldn’t. And if I was going through the motions I apologize. I really do. I don’t find you boring.”

She smiled. “Did you like the fry?”

“Yeah. You want some of my spring roll?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

As they ate from each other’s plates she said, “You probably don’t usually eat fatty foods. I’ve seen you work out, of course. Do you run too?”

“Only when someone is chasing me.”

She laughed. “My metabolism must be really high. I eat crap and never gain an ounce.”

“A lot of people would like to have that problem.”

“I know. Some of the women I work with say that too.” She held out her burger. “Would you like a bite? It’s really good.”

He took a bite of the sandwich and wiped his mouth with his napkin. When he finished chewing he said, “I guess being at the White House is long hours, little exercise, eat when you can, and crazy schedules.”

“Did you ever work there? Because you’ve summed it up pretty well.”

“I don’t think I’m White House material. Best and the brightest, you know.”

“At least half the country would disagree with you on that.”

Robie smiled and watched her munch away on her fries. He took in the view of the city.

Lambert followed his gaze and said, “Even though I work there it’s still weird to see the snipers on the roof of the White House.”

“Countersnipers,” said Robie automatically and then regretted the slip. He smiled. “I watch a lot of NCIS. That’s where I learned that word.”

“I DVR it,” said Lambert. “Great show.”

They lapsed into silence again.

Robie finally broke it. “I’m sorry I’m not a good conversationalist. Has nothing to do with intent. Just tends to ebb and flow.”

“Neither am I, so maybe we’re very compatible.”

“Maybe we are,” said Robie. But now he found himself really wanting to talk. He looked out again, toward Arlington Cemetery on the Virginia side, up a hill. “When the Union took over Robert E. Lee’s land and turned it into a military burial ground, they said General Lee could have his property back if he paid the back taxes. But the catch was he had to pay them in person. He understandably never took Lincoln up on his offer.”

“I never heard that one.”

“Don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s a good story.”

“And you just disproved your point. You are a good conversationalist.”

“I guess I have my moments.”

“Do you like the investment business?”

“I used to,” he answered. “But after a while simply making money doesn’t seem like enough. More to life, you know.”

“There’s always more to life than money, Will,” she said. “Money is just a means to an end. It shouldn’t be the goal.”

“For a lot of people it is.”

“And there are a lot of people with screwed-up priorities. Especially in this town.”

“Politician again,” he said, making her face flush. “Want me to be your campaign manager?”

“Yeah. I can run on a platform of caring for others more than you care for yourself. That’ll go over really big with the powers that be.”

“Hey, screw them. Take your message to the people.”

He watched her as she finished her meal. “So, really, what’s next for you after the White House?”

She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for a really nice time, Will. And let’s work on that ‘date’ thing together.”

“Count on it,” said Robie.

A few moments later she had hurried through the White House gate.

Robie walked off, trying to put aside their encounter yet feeling the warmth of her lips on his face.

It was strange days indeed.