Page 44 of Her Rogue Mates

“And now we will continue to protect you and dominate you,” Blade responded, flexing his hips which slid his cock with exquisite friction up the seam of my ass, prompting me to what he was most likely going to do soon enough. I was a little embarrassed by what Ivar and Scribe had overheard, but Blade wasn’t. Nope. I had to let it go, because while Blade and Styx had said they didn’t share any part of me, I would have to get used to them staking their claim in front of others. If that meant heated looks, kisses, carnal touches, then they wouldn’t be denied.

And I had no interest in denying them anything. I clenched my inner walls at the thought and squirmed in Styx’s hold. “I’m yours, mates. Please. Take me. Bite me. You can have anything. Anything you want.” It was more than a promise, it was surrender. Complete. Total. I gave them everything.

Styx growled, spun me about and carried me out of the room. He only lowered me to my feet before them when we were alone in his quarters, in front of his big bed. “Strip, mate. I have been longing to see your soft skin.”

Styx’s command made me shiver. While they hadn’t held their true selves back when we’d been in the back hallway of the canteen on Zenith, we’d been in a not-so-private place. And at the mating feast, they’d made me come on their fingers with a ruthless precision and a bold dominance, but they’d still held back because we’d again been in a hallway, in a semi-public place. Even when they’d fucked me for the first time, knowing I was their mate, they’d held back because their true nature as Hyperion had been to bite me. They’d had to stifle that innate need because I hadn’t been ready.

I hadn’t begged.

While they’d been wild and bold, calculating and so dang dominant they’d made me come on command, I hadn’t seen the real Styx or Blade.

Now I could. I would. No, I did, with just the word “strip”.

My entire body shivered, grew shaky with anticipation, at what might come next.

I’d never imagined I’d want someone like Styx who gave orders that were meant to be followed, not questioned. Then again, I’d never been aroused as I was with them. Orgasms? Yeah, never like this. Maybe it had taken a trip halfway across the universe to discover I was into kink.

Into two men at once. Dominance. Whatever else they had in mind.

I wanted it all.

So when they stood before me with fierce gazes and hard cocks pressing against their black pants, I didn’t argue.

I stripped. Naked. As fast as my fingers could fly over the fabric.

Yeah, my fingers shook, but it wasn’t in fear. It was with anticipation. I wasn’t the only impatient one. Waiting for them to return had been horrible. But now…I’d forgotten about everything but them. This. Gods, I was going to come just taking off my clothes. It was as if they had pheromones pumping off them.

Two big, fierce, brooding, crazy aliens were standing before me, their eyes raking over every inch of my body. They wanted me with a need and intensity I’d never known existed.

I tossed the black shirt over my head. I looked down, saw my hard nipples through my thin bra. They saw them too, and Blade’s hands clenched into fists as Styx groaned. He rubbed his cock through his pants as if it hurt him.

Feeling empowered, I toed off my boots and pulled off the rest of my clothes. Knowing these two big, brawny and controlling men were reduced to cock rubbing and clenched fists made feel like I was the one who led them. Perhaps around by their blue balls.

Some of my insecurities flared to life when they stood there unmoving, still as statues and just stared at my nakedness. Even with the soft lighting in his bedroom, I was sure they could see every imperfection, the slight dimpling on my hips which no exercise would make go away. My boobs, while I was proud of them, hadn’t defied gravity. Then there was my—

“So beautiful,” Blade murmured, running his tongue along his teeth.

“Do you know why we’re standing here, not touching you?” Styx asked.

I placed my hands on the sides of my hips to cover myself, even a little bit. “I thought maybe it was because—”

Styx sliced his hand through the air. “I know what you’re going to say and I’m cutting you off. If you mention any kind of imperfection on your body, you’ll be over my knee with a red ass.”

He meant it. My cheeks flushed at them knowing me so well.

“We’re standing here trying to calm down enough not to bite you right now. To pull out our cocks and claim you with two quick thrusts and our sharp teeth.”

My mouth fell open at his very honest words. I knew they were attracted. Eager, even.

They looked at each other for a second, then back at me.



They had fangs. Like vampires. Their incisors were long and pointed and dangerous looking. I froze, like a deer in the headlights. Prey. I was prey.

I wanted to be caught.