The Prillon commander nodded, not surprised. “I read your file. I am well aware of the—” He, too, looked up from his desk for a moment, searching for what he could say to me, without saying anything. “I have read your file. You will not be required to return

to the field.”

I slumped in relief. He knew about my past. My previous injuries. This weird thing in my head. And he was going to find a way to make it work to his advantage. And mine. I wanted to pump my fist in the air and whoop. But by the shocked dismay on my mates’ faces, now was not the time. “I accept the position. Thank you, Commander Karter.”

“Excellent, Commander Phan.” He stood and walked around the desk, holding his arm out to me, warrior to warrior. “You’ll be fourth in the chain of command for Battlegroup Karter. I’ll expect you to report directly to me first shift tomorrow to meet the rest of the command crew and our operational team leaders.”

“Commander Phan? Seriously?” Seth yelled like he’d just been struck by a whip. “You’re a commander?”

Commander Karter crossed his arms. “Did you not hear me address your mate as such? I can repeat it a third time if you wish. And outside of your private quarters, Captains, I suggest you address the commander with the proper respect due a superior officer.”

“Is this a joke, Commander Karter? I am not amused.” Dorian’s tone was deceptively soft compared to the riot of emotions bombarding me through the collar.

“I was a commander,” I said, holding out my hands by my sides to calm down my mates. Sheesh. Testosterone was great in bed, and not so great right now when their aggression and protective instincts were drowning me through our new connection. “I was a commander.”

Commander Karter cleared his throat, speaking loudly. “Comms on. This is Commander Karter. Let the official record show that as of now, Commander Chloe Phan is officially reinstated as an active member of the Coalition Fleet, and as commanding officer overseeing the Hive ReCon and Communication protocols team.” He was smiling at me the more my mates bristled. He was obviously enjoying this a bit too much. “You are a commander, Lady Phan.”

“Lady Mills.”

The commander waved his hand dismissively. “Not yet, she’s not. That collar is still black, gentlemen.”

Seth’s voice was cold. Calm. “She can’t be a bride and a Coalition fighter. We mated her, claimed her.”

“I am well aware of the rules, Captain,” the commander said. “However, that rule is in place specifically for active duty military personnel in combat positions. Serving me here, on the Karter, is not a forward combat position.”

Seth strode across the room and stood beside Dorian so he could look at me too, study my face.

I put my hand to my neck. “Guys, you need to dial down the emotions. I sense you want to toss me over your shoulder and lock me in our quarters.”

“The collars are working then, because that’s exactly what I’m feeling,” Seth countered. A little vein pulsed at his temple.

I looked at the commander. “I’ll be on the command deck first thing tomorrow, sir.”

“Excellent. You are dismissed.”

I moved closer to the door and it slid open. My men stepped into the space, blocking me in. Their gazes roved over me, then over my head at the commander. Without a word, Dorian bent at the waist and tossed me over his shoulder. He spun on his heel and walked down the hallway. With his long strides, we were making fast progress back to our quarters. They hadn’t said that was our destination, but they didn’t need to.

“Be ready, mate,” Seth said. “As soon as we’re in private, you’ll submit. And you’ll tell us everything.”

“I can’t.” It was the truth. Simple as that.

Dorian swatted my upturned ass once, then cupped it with his big palm. “I hate this, mate. I hate everything about this. But if that’s the case, we’re going to fuck you until you forget everything but our names.”

Okay then.

Chapter 7

Chloe, Mated Coalition Fighter Quarters

* * *

“You are insane,” I said, once Dorian put me down, and only so once the door to our quarters slid closed and Seth engaged the lock. That measure wasn’t really necessary since I didn’t plan on bolting, not that two huge mates would allow it.

“Perhaps, but discovering your mate is a commander with the I.C., you can’t blame me,” Dorian said working his armored shirt over his head.

“I wasn’t keeping it from you intentionally,” I replied, spinning on my heel and going over to the table in the small kitchen area and sliding my fingers over the smooth metal surface. I didn’t want to look at either of my mates while we had this conversation. I could feel them, which was plenty.

“Strip, Commander,” Seth said. He stood, legs shoulder width, arms crossed over his broad chest.