Page 4 of Sinful Temptation

P.P.S. They do provide you with a nice Christmas dinner, don’t they?

Christmas Day

Dear Tony—

Sorry to overwhelm you with letters, but I am thinking about you and the other soldiers so far away from home right now. Usually I like to pretend that you’re in Europe on an extended vacation, but sometimes, like today, the truth breaks through. And I worry. Since I prefer to live a laughing and carefree existence, the worrying gets to me.

Are you safe? Is your bed comfortable? Do you even have a bed, or do you sleep on some sort of horrible cot torture device? And what about your Christmas dinner? Was it any good? Was there sweet potato casserole with marshmallows?

Here is how I do my Christmas Day Extravaganza, because my motto is this: Go big, or go home—

Cinnamon candles;

Al Green’s CD playing in an endless loop;

Fresh pine tree, wreaths and garland;

Gingerbread houses to decorate;

Roaring fire;

Brined turkey (I’m a fabulous cook!) with cranberry dressing;

Sweet potato casserole topped with nicely toasted marshmallows;

All (and I do mean all) the trimmings;

Pumpkin pie;

Pecan pie;

Hot chocolate with (you guessed it!) tiny marshmallows and crème de menthe; and

A viewing of Home Alone.

So, anyway, please let me know that you’re safe and that there were some marshmallows involved in your Christmas Day experience. And I hope that next Christmas is everything you dream it will be.

Love from Talia

January 3

Dear Talia—

The painting is incredible. So was your letter. They were the best parts of my Christmas Day.

All I can say is—thank you.

Wishing you a wonderful New Year,


P.S. There was a tiny marshmallow sliver on my sweet potatoes, and the turkey was quite edible, so fear not.

P.P.S. I hope Paul appreciates how special his Christmas was.

January 17

Dear Tony—

Paul reports that his Christmas Day with his family in L.A. was lovely. I, meanwhile, had a great holiday here in NYC with my sister and friends. Paul and I are on a “break,” which means that we are reevaluating our relationship and whether we want to move in together or go our separate ways. I have never been on a “break” before, so I have no idea how this will turn out.

Much to my surprise, I seem to be the new “it” artist right now. After I did a portrait for this one socialite/philanthropist (translation: she’s richer than God), she recommended me to all her even richer friends. So now I’m overwhelmed with commissions. I’ve even started doing murals on the walls of some jaw-dropping apartments, which is quite the switch for me.

Basically, I have more success than I can handle at the moment, although I haven’t had time to paint any of my favorite slashes and swirls in a while. Be careful what you wish for, eh?

Oh, and before I forget to mention it—I don’t have any pictures to send, but I will take a couple when I get the chance.

This time: jalapeño beef jerky. Truly disgusting. Happy eating!

Gotta go. All this work is wearing me out, big-time, and I think I’m working on an infection of some sort. So I better haul my a$$ to bed....

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