Fierce sensation assailed her, and her eyes widened, the spark of excitement flashing into a flame that burned in the most pleasurable of ways. More, she wanted to shout,more, and it took effort to stay silent while the raw excitement roaring through her built and built until finally he was slamming into her, wonderfully wild and passionate, and she was urging him on with her body in the only way she knew how, legs wrapping round him, nails turned into talons raking down his smooth spine in her insistence.

She soared to a peak that sent her flying into a million pieces, her whole body consumed by that intensity that lifted her to an unimaginable high and then left her floating in a sea of drowning pleasure.

‘That was amazing,’ Maya sighed. ‘Thank you.’

And that quickly, Raffaele knew what it was about Maya that intrigued him. He had never met a woman like her, never had sex with a woman like her, never even dreamt that a woman like her even existed because she wassodifferent that she smashed every one of his trite expectations.

‘That was my line,’ Raffaele husked in an informative tone as he lifted his head from the tumbled swathes of her blonde hair, which smelled like strawberries, he noted abstractedly as he levered his weight off her and slid to one side.

‘No, that’s basic relationship stuff,’ Maya informed him with superiority. ‘If you do something well, I should praise you for it.’

‘Like you’re training a pet?’ Raffaele derided.

‘Well, if you’re going to take offence at the most innocent comment,’ Maya countered.

‘Allow me to warn you...tact is not your biggest strength,’ Raffaele pointed out with another grin.

‘Oh, I know that,’ Maya replied without concern. ‘You’re not the first person to label me socially awkward. I live inside my head most of the time. I’m not observant either.’

In wonderment, Raffaele watched her slide out of the bed and away from him, no hanging around, no after-sex fondling, cuddling, absolutely nothing sought from him. ‘Where are you going?’ he asked lazily.

‘I need a shower. Sex is messy,’ Maya sighed.

Raffaele raised an ebony brow. ‘I think you’re supposed to lie flat for a while afterwards if you’re trying to get pregnant,’ he murmured silkily.

Maya blinked and walked back to the bed like a naked forest nymph with her hair flowing round her. Beneath his arrested gaze, she lay down again. Felled by an old wives’ tale, he conceded in fascination, but for some strange reason he didn’t want her washing him off her again and walking away from him.

‘How long do I have to lie here for?’

‘Ten minutes should be enough,’ Raffaele breathed, trying very hard not to laugh because she looked as trapped as he had often felt when women tried to holdhimby their side and that was a novel experience, not entirely to his satisfaction. He would, he appreciated, have to learn how to cuddle if he wanted her to stay with him afterwards. Andwhywould he want that?

‘This you have a pen and paper?’ Maya asked suddenly, wondering if she could come up with an equation that matched them as a couple and their relationship and calculating the probabilities.

Raffaele reached over and provided her with both from the nightstand nearest him. He lay back watching as she covered line after line with what to him were incomprehensible mathematical notations. Every so often she paused, smooth brow furrowing while she pondered, and then she would be off onto a fresh page, so wrapped in her calculations that he reckoned that a volcanic eruption would not have penetrated her concentration.

He went for a shower and when he emerged, she was still at it and she hadn’t glanced up once. It was as if he had vanished; it was as if he didn’t exist. He discovered that he absolutely loathed that sensation. It reminded him of the frequent occasions when his mother had forgotten his needs as a child, overlooking the necessity of his eating or sleeping. Of course, his mother, Julieta, had often lived in her own world, cocooned from reality.

‘We’re getting off the boat,’ he told her loudly.

A thousand miles away, for all he knew mentally on another planet, she looked up at him, beautiful sea-glass eyes distant.

‘We’ve arrived at the island where we’re spending our honeymoon,’ Raffaele extended.

‘Oh...’ Maya gasped, blinking to take in the sea of paper surrounding her and her still naked, unwashed state. ‘I zoned out, didn’t I?’

‘You did,’ Raffaele agreed.

‘Don’t dump anything!’ she warned him as she leapt off the bed and vanished into the bathroom.

Raffaele picked an outfit out of the new wardrobe she had yet to discover, gossamer-fine undies in lilac, a strappy sundress. He knocked on the bathroom door and entered when she shouted out,‘Yes?’sounding very harassed.

‘Clothes,’ Raffaele announced, resting them down on a chair, thinking for a second and then yanking out towels for her use as well because he wasn’t sure she would find them on her own. He had never had to look after anyone or anything in many, many years and it felt weird.

‘Marriage not quite what you expected?’Sal had mocked. Raffaele conceded that at least he wasn’t bored.

‘Oh, that was kind of you,’ Maya remarked, swathing herself in a towel. ‘That’s what Izzy does when she’s trying to hurry me goodness, those aren’tmyclothes—’

‘They are now. I bought them for you.’