Chloe took us through the whole shop, asking Cara about her style, what she wanted to look like on the day, whether or not she wanted pure white or was open to colors (of which there were many), and if she wanted to wear a veil or not.

“I don’t think I want a veil. It’s going to be more casual,” she said. Her hands were trembling and there was panic in her eyes. She was getting overwhelmed, I could tell, so I reached out and squeezed her fingers.

“It’s okay, Care, you don’t have to decide now. I can take pictures of you in each dress and then you can sit down and do pro and con lists for each one.” Her face relaxed and she leaned into me.

“Thank you. I don’t know how I could do this without you.”

“Okay, you have to stop. I can’t,” Chloe said, shaking her head at us. “You’re just too cute.” For some reason, I didn’t care that she thought we were a romantic couple. Close friendship could often look like that, especially when girls were concerned. And it wasn’t like I didn’t love Cara. I did. I loved her more than I’d ever loved anyone, no question. I didn’t dare spoil Chloe’s heart-eyes by telling her we were just faking this for money. If she was buying it and it made her happy, who cared? Lots of people were going to think we were a couple, so what did it matter if this random bridal consultant thought so?

Cara pointed to a few dresses that caught her eye and then went with Chloe into the changing room. I took my seat on a plush off-white couch and waited. There was another group seated near me that looked to be a girl who had brought literally everyone she had ever met to help her make this decision. Mom, grandmother, aunts, cousins, best friends, etc. The works. I shuddered as she came out in a dress that she clearly loved, judging from the smile beaming on her face, but was promptly shut down by nearly everyone. Her shoulders crumpled and she shuffled sadly back to the dressing room. A little voice inside me wanted to pipe up and tell her that those people didn’t know what they were talking about and that she had looked amazing, but it wasn’t my place to interfere. Still, I tried to shoot her a sympathetic look when she came out in the next dress which was boring as fuck, but her whole group clapped as if it was the most beautiful dress ever created. Blah city. I couldn’t watch anymore, and Chloe poked her head out of the dressing room to tell me that Cara was coming out in the first dress.

My hands started to shake and I couldn’t breathe. I clutched my fingers together and tried to calm myself. Why was I getting so worked up? Maybe they pumped something through the air here, along with the subtle scents of lemons and lavender.

“Here she comes,” Chloe said, holding the door open and stepping aside to let Cara walk out.

“Oh, shit,” I said in a whisper.

“Is it too much?” Cara said, biting her bottom lip.

I shook my head, unable to form words.

“Is that good?” she asked, looking down at the flowing skirt that was draped perfectly and fell to the floor. The top had gauzy straps that rested on her shoulders and light pink lace flowers on the bodice. It was stunning and subtle at the same time and fit her body like a glove. As if it was made for her. Chloe had pulled her hair back in a loose bun that was just haphazard enough to be perfect.

“I wasn’t sure about the pink, but...” Cara said, brushing her hand across the top of the bodice, right where the dress ended and the skin of her upper chest was revealed. She was looking for something from me, but I just couldn’t seem to make words come from my mouth.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that she likes it,” Chloe said. “Let me know if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s what that look on her face means.” I nodded slowly.

“It’s perfect,” I finally said. My mouth was dry and I had to swallow a few times.

“Is it?” she asked, twirling around and showing me the incredible movement of the skirt.

“Yeah,” I said, not even realizing I’d gotten up and had walked up the steps to the little platform she was on in front of the mirrors.

“You look so pretty,” I said, and I found tears coming from my eyes.