After a while, we were breathing hard and needed a break, so that’s when my parents brought out the cake and Cara and I had to cut it and shove it in each other’s faces. I almost wish we’d had a photographer for that one, but a few of our friends snapped shots on their phones.

The cake was chocolate with strawberry frosting inside for the top layer, and spice cake with cream cheese frosting on the bottom. Both of our favorites. It was almost like they knew us really well.

We both also went for pie, because my mother’s was the best. She had the most perfect crust technique, so the top didn’t collapse over all the apples, or puff up and leave a huge space inside.

After cake and pie there was more dancing and more drinking and carousing and so much laughter that my stomach hurt and I started losing my voice.

Cara and I crashed into two chairs next to each other and I put my head on her shoulder.

“I’m dead,” I said. “Completely dead. This has been the longest day of my life.”

“But one of the best?” she said, turning her head to look at me.

“Yeah, one of the best. Definitely.” I lifted my head and the memory of our kiss during the wedding rushed back. I’d been pushing it aside for the entire day, but now my brain and my body were weak and couldn’t hold it back anymore.

She blinked and I realized that she had glitter on one of her cheeks. I had no idea where it came from, so I reached up to brush it off, but wound up stroking her skin instead.

“You’re so beautiful,” I said.

“So are you.” Her breath hitched in her throat and her eyes were wide.

A cough interrupted us and we both looked up to find Ansel grinning at us.

“So, we’re going to wind this thing down, but would you like to do one last dance?” I was about to drop from exhaustion, but I wanted to end this night the right way. I stood up and held out my hand for Cara.

“Let’s shut this shit down, Care.”


The fee was astronomical, but neither Cara or I wanted to ride back to the city with my parents, and our friends had offered, but I was tired from all the socializing. I loved them, but they could be a lot. We were exhausted, they were exhausted, and I just wanted to chill out with her, just the two of us.

“Thank you for everything, Mom. This was amazing, and I’m glad you did it. Even if I was a pain in the ass about it before.” I hugged her hard and she held me tight.

“You deserve it. You both deserve happiness and I’m so glad you liked it. Anytime you want to do another party, let me know. I think I’ve found my new calling.” It was true, she had done a great job on short notice.

“Maybe that’s a new market: last minute receptions.” She laughed and went to give Cara a hug. Dad hugged me and told me that he loved me and Cara, and to come visit more often.

“I will,” I said, meaning it. I had neglected them recently, and it wasn’t right. Now that I had more money, I could even rent a car and come out here on the weekends with Cara. Cara, my wife. I would never get used to that, and I would never get used to the fact that I was her wife.

Our friends departed with promises to come and help us unpack next week and finally the car arrived to take us back.

“I’ve never been so tired in my life,” Cara said through a yawn. “I was not expecting that at all. Maybe a nice dinner with your parents, but not an awesome party. That was great.” She let her head fall back on the headrest and turned to give me a sleepy smile.

“It was. I never thought I wanted something like that, but now I can’t imagine having this day without all of that. We should have more fun.” Cara laughed a little.

“Yeah, we should. Now that we have more money, we can have more fun.” It was true. Money could definitely buy you fun.

“I do and I don’t want this to end,” she said in a sleepy voice, her eyes shuttering.

“I know,” I said, shuffling a little closer to her. Mom had put our bouquets in bags, and forced us to take leftovers so we weren’t going to need to buy groceries for like a week. The car smelled like spinach and artichoke dip.

Cara made a grumpy sound and snuggled closer to me. I put my arm around her and let her pull her feet up on the seat and practically lay in my lap. My wife. My beautiful wife. We hadn’t talked about when we were going to get the annulment, but it would probably happen soon. Maybe right after we got the money. I knew this feeling wasn’t going to last, and it hurt to think about that. This whole thing was for show, a sham, but it sure as hell seemed real. I had a sleeping woman laying on my legs who had my ring on her hand and had signed a document saying that she was mine and I was hers. What could be more real than that?