A knock at the door.


I removed my hand and sat up.

“Yeah?” I said, sounding distinctly out of breath.

“Are you...” she trailed off, but we both knew that she had heard me, and what she was asking.

“Uh, yeah. I am.” Why deny it? I wasn’t ashamed.

“Oh,” she said and then there was silence. I assumed she’d walked away, but then I heard her voice again.

“I’ll... leave you alone.”

“Okay?” I said. “You want to give me a hand?” I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

“No, no. That’s okay. I’m fine. It’s fine. Go ahead. Fine, fine.” I lost track of how many times she said the word “fine.” Wow. She was totally flustered and that would have amused me more if my labia weren’t engorged and aching so much that I thought I was going to die.

“Okay,” I said again and then listened as she shuffled off, hopefully to her room to put in some headphones. I was going to try to be quieter, but I couldn’t make any promises.

I let myself have a few seconds to get back to it, and then it was only a matter of a few careful finger-thrusts, a little clit action, and then I was flying high. I knew I made a lot of noise when I came, and there wasn’t really a whole lot I could do about that, so I just went with it.

I gave myself a little rest before going for round two, and then round three. My hand started cramping, and I considered getting out my vibrator, but didn’t want to go overboard, so I left it at three, even though my body was still aching for more. That would have to do for tonight. I got up and put on my pajamas, relishing the sensitivity of my post-orgasm skin.

I threw my towel in the hamper and went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. Cara was shut in her room and I didn’t think I was going to see her for the rest of the night, so I finished and went back to my room to read for a while, semi-waiting for a knock at the door.

My eyes started to droop after a little while, since I still needed to catch up on my sleep, so I got up to say goodnight to Cara. I wasn’t going to break that rule just because she’d caught me masturbating.

I knocked as well and heard her get up and come to the door. She cracked it open a fraction.

“What is it?” she said, sounding irritated.

“Uh, I’m going to bed? Goodnight?” Her face was red and I could tell that she was thinking about it.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean for you to hear me.”

“It’s fine,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Clearly, it’s not. Do you want to talk about it?” She shook her head violently.

“Okay then. I’m going to go to bed now. Goodnight.” I tried to keep my voice light, but Cara wasn’t having it.

“Goodnight,” she snapped and shut the door. It was almost funny, and I chuckled to myself as I went back to my room.

I HADN’T BEEN ASLEEP for long when my door opened.

“Are you awake?” Cara asked, and I was suddenly very awake.

“Kind of,” I said, sitting up. “What can I help you with?”

“You... Just...” She made huffing noises and then dove onto my bed.

“What the hell!” I yelled as she landed on top of me.

“How dare you,” she said before her mouth was on mine and I stopped asking questions. My body knew what was happening and was raring and ready to go again. Like it had been waiting for this moment.

Her mouth was relentless, and it was what I’d been wanting all along. Her hands weren’t sitting idly by either, they were ripping the covers aside, and searching for a way to get to my skin. I was just as eager, and in our haste, we weren’t getting anywhere.

“Stop, hold on. We don’t have to do everything at once,” I said, as she kept kissing me through the words. She acted as if she didn’t hear me, tugging at my tank top, and I was afraid she was going to shred it to pieces. My eager girl.

“Care, hold on,” I said, trying again. She pulled back and I couldn’t really see her, so I turned my lamp on. I had no idea how people fucked in the dark.

“I don’t want to hold on. I can’t stop thinking about the sounds you were making and what you were doing earlier and I can’t fucking stand that you’re not naked right now. Get these off.” She yanked at my clothes and I almost laughed, but I was just as eager to get her clothes off. This wasn’t going to be sweet and gentle. We were too frantic.