To my Patrons, especially Brandi, Elly, Ellen, and Amy. I can never put into words how you all keep me going, and have so much faith in me. When times are dark, your support gives me light.

To everyone on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook who have been excited about this book and the cover, THANK YOU. Sometimes it feels like I’m a lone wolf, puttering away on my computer and I have no idea if my book ideas are good, or that anyone will want to read them. You helped me power through when things got rough because I knew at least a few people wanted to read this.

To my Everything, I know this was rough. I know I had to ignore you and say “I can’t do anything this weekend, I have to work,” but you were a trooper and see? Now we can have fun THIS weekend. You inspire me and support me and love me even when I get crumbs on the bed, and that’s all that matters. Thank you, love.

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