Then, when she knew she was going to die from the wonder of it, he thrust a single finger inside of her. The shock, or the pleasure, thrust her into an unfamiliar universe. The glory of it filled her as her very first release crashed through her.

She clung to him. He kissed her, urging her to continue, holding her close, touching her until the last bit of paradise had faded and she was filled with a lethargy she’d never known. It was an effort to keep her eyes open.

Kardal smiled down at her. “I will not ask if you enjoyed it.”

He was being an arrogant male. She found she no longer cared. “Is it supposed to be that wonderful?”

“Yes. It will also be better next time.”

“That’s not possible.”

He kissed her cheek. “Of course it is. I could touch you again and bring you close to your release. Then, when you were so close as to be shaking, I could enter you, filling you completely. With each thrust you would climax a tiny bit, but build as well until there was nothing for us to do but fall together.”

His word picture made her blush. She pushed down her dress so that she was covered to her thighs. “Yes, well, is that what we’re going to do?”

“No. I meant what I said. As much as I want to make love with you, this isn’t the time.”

“Then why did you touch me like that?”

“To show you the possibilities.” His eyebrows raised. “Now you can dream about me while you sleep.”

He stretched out on his side, then drew her toward him until she was facing him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Was that truly your first time?” he asked.

Heat flared on her face as she nodded. “I didn’t get out much.”

“How is that possible? You’re very beautiful. Western men are not blind.”

His compliment made her glow.

“I was always careful about dating. I had a few boyfriends, but…” She shrugged. How to explain the strangeness that was her life? “I didn’t want to be like my mother, going from man to man. So I was more particular. There was also the whole virgin princess thing. I didn’t want the responsibility, but there it was. I always thought that I was supposed to save myself for my husband.”

“No young man tried to change your mind?”

She couldn’t believe they were having this calm conversation lying on her bed. She might be wearing a long-sleeved dress but her panties were somewhere on the floor and just a couple of minutes ago, Kardal had been touching her in a way she’d only ever read about.

“A couple of boys tried to, you know.” She bit her lower lip. “Most of the time I wasn’t interested and it was easy to say no. When I was interested, I felt obligated to tell them the truth about me. They didn’t take it well.”

Humor brightened his dark eyes. “I imagine they did not.”

She laughed, then gathering her courage, pressed her fingers against his high, sculpted cheekbone. When he didn’t protest, she slowly traced his features. The sweep of his eyebrows, the firm line of his jaw. She lingered longest on his mouth, outlining his lips, then laughing when he unexpectedly nipped at her fingers.

“Did you tell people who you were?” she asked.

“No. The city is a secret. I had to protect it. Besides, telling people I was a prince made them act differently.”

“I know what you mean. Keeping that part of me from my friends meant there was always something between us. I wanted to be close…I wanted to confide the truth, but I couldn’t.”

Kardal rolled onto his back and pulled her along with him. When he wrapped an arm around her, she rested her head on his shoulder.

“I could talk to my grandfather,” he said. “He understood because he’d led the city for nearly forty years.”

“You still miss him.”

“Every day. It’s been four years and I still long to hear his voice. I have so many questions and no one has answers. No one who understands.”

She thought about pointing out that King Givon would understand. But even if Kardal and Givon could make peace with the past, it would take time to build a relationship based on trust.

“It’s too bad about your father,” she said.

“I agree. I do not approve of how he handled things here, but in El Bahar, he has been a good and strong leader for his people.”

Sabrina ached for him. “I wish there was something I could do,” she said. “I’d listen, if it would help. I don’t know much about running a city, but I get the whole royal thing. More than I want to.”

Kardal raised his head and looked at her. “Thank you. I would like to speak with you about my concerns.”