Micah rubbed his chin thoughtfully and then glanced down at Angelina. She could feel the tension in his body, coiled like a snake.

“It’s a good idea,” Micah admitted. “You’ve got enough surveillance there that no one could breathe on the place and get away with it. ”

Damon nodded. “Take her there tonight. I can have Serena bring you both clothing and all the necessities tomorrow morning. The kitchen is stocked. I have a full staff, so you don’t have to worry about cooking or housekeeping. ”

Micah shook his head. “I want everyone out. If I’m taking her there, it’ll be just her and me. ”

“If that’s what you prefer. I’ll put my staff on vacation for as long as necessary.

Micah put his hand on Damon’s shoulder. “Thank you. I appreciate this. ”

“We both do,” Angelina said.

Damon smiled at her, his brown eyes warm with affection.

“I consider Micah a very dear friend, even if he doesn’t allow me to make that claim very readily. I consider you a friend as well, Angelina. If there is anything either of you need, you have only to call. ”

“Come on, Angel,” Micah said gently when she wobbled on her feet. “Let’s go get whatever we’ll need for tonight, and then we’ll see about losing any potential followers on our way to The House. ”

“Do you really think he’s watching?” she asked in a troubled voice.

“I won’t lie. It’s a possibility. He was certainly watching the apartment complex. He knew just when you were alone, and he knew enough about Nathan’s association with you, and where Nathan lived, to warn him off. ”

She shuddered and burrowed closer to his body. He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

“We’ll get him, Angel. You have a lot of people working this case.

She looked up at him. “I know you will. I trust you, Micah. ”

“Let me tell the others what we’re doing and then we’ll get out of here. ”

She nodded, and he left her briefly to go talk to the others.

“Are you going to be all right?” Damon asked.

“I don’t know,” she said truthfully. “I’m scared. More now than I was in Miami. There it was just me. Here there are more people involved. I don’t want anyone hurt. ”

“You just worry about staying safe. Let us worry about ourselves. ”

“Where are Serena and the others?” she asked.

Damon smiled, his teeth flashing white. “They’re unhappy with me at present, but I have them sequestered at my home with a very surly bodyguard who poses as a chauffeur. ”

She had to suppress the urge to giggle. “I’m glad they’re safe. ”

“As I said, don’t worry about them or us. We take care of our own. We’ll find this guy. ” He gestured over his shoulder. “They have the manpower. I have unlimited capital. It’s a good combination. He won’t be able to hide forever. ”

Angelina winced. “I feel like I already owe you all so much. ”

Damon shrugged. “There is no debt. There is no price I wouldn’t pay to keep the ones I love safe. Serena is everything to me. Micah is one of my closest friends. And you are someone who needs the shelter of friendship most of all. ”

She shook her head. “Unbelievable. I never dreamed people like you existed. All of you. ” She waved her hand in a helpless circle. It honestly baffled her that all these people were willing to go to the wall for her.

“You ready?” Micah asked as he slipped up next to her again.

She nodded.

He brought her palm up to his lips and kissed it lightly. “Then let’s go. ”


When they pulled into the parking lot at The House, it was already empty. Lights glowed from the interior, a fact she was grateful for. She didn’t think she’d be comfortable going into any dark place at the moment.

Micah got out and she followed suit. His hand went to her back, and her skin danced in reaction as he hurried her toward the door.

She was riding high on stress-induced adrenaline coupled with intense arousal. She was exhausted and revved up all at the same time, and she knew she would never rest until she found release. And yet she couldn’t ask. Couldn’t demand. She was his to command, not the other way around.

They walked inside, and Micah hesitated in the hallway.

“Want something to eat or drink?”

She nodded and he turned her toward the kitchen at the far end of the facility. It was warm and inviting, like the rest of The House. Rich browns, soothing yellows. It amused her that a place devoted to such decadence had all the comforts of an inviting home.

She caught Micah’s gaze and shivered under the blatant awareness that flashed in his eyes. His nostrils flared slightly, and the tension rolling through his body was a tangible, breathing entity.

She met his stare levelly, allowing every ounce of her need to reach across the distance. He set the glass of juice he’d poured for her on the counter and stepped forward, his eyes glittering.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

Her nipples hardened. Her clit pulsed and swelled, and her breath caught painfully in her throat. She forced herself to breathe out as she slowly turned, presenting her back to him.

His hands closed over her shoulders. One hand worked up, tangling in her hair then sliding the heavy veil over her left shoulder, baring the curve of her neck.

Warm breath blew sensuously over her bare skin and then his teeth nipped and grazed at the slim column. Her knees threatened to buckle when he laved his tongue up the side to her earlobe and over the frantic pulse point, but he caught her firmly and pushed her forward toward the table.

Urgency invaded his movements. He bumped her into the table, bending her over when her stomach met the edge. His fingers caught clumsily at her pants, pulling, reaching around to release her fly.

As he yanked her jeans down over the curve of her behind, his other hand pressed firmly in the center of her back, holding her down.

Cool air blew over her ass, raising chill bumps. He left the jeans at the bend of her knees. One hand still held her down, but the other left her, and she heard the rustle of his own pants.

His legs bumped into the backs of hers, and his body pressed into hers, hard and fast. The back of his hand brushed urgently against her buttocks as he positioned his cock.

Before she could take a breath, he was on her, in her, so deep she cried out in shock.

He leaned in, his body covering hers, his hips slamming against her ass, the resounding smack echoing sharply through the kitchen.

After the initial frenzy, he slowed, withdrawing then pumping forward with methodical, forceful thrusts. Each time he withdrew, he paused until she let out a small whimper and then he powered forward, driving deep.

“Hands up,” he said harshly.

She placed her hands above her head, palms down on the flat surface of the table. Her entire body shook with the force of his next thrust. She closed her eyes. She was close. So close to bursting and he hadn’t even touched her intimately.

He was only intent on his pleasure. His taking was selfish and primitive, and she knew in a flash of understanding why. He was reinforcing his earlier statement.

She sucked slowly at the tip, running her tongue over the slip of moisture.

“You make me crazy, Angel girl. ”

She laughed, surprised at the cracked way it came out. “What do you think you do to me?”

“Go pick out our room,” he said. “Strip. I want you naked and in bed when I get there. I’ll bring up a tray so you can eat before we go to sleep. ”