Page 16 of Bad Habits

“He can fucking try.” Kahn smirks, confidence etched on his handsome face. “I don’t cower to assholes like that.”

Before Dominic can say another word, a bullet leaves the chamber and hits him square between the eyes. His body slumps backward, falling against the altar. My mouth falls open to scream, but I find nothing leaving my mouth.

Kahn turns to me, a smile on his face. “You ready to go?”


He nods. “No time like the present.”

The bell sounds loud as it rings high in the tower, making me jump in surprise, pulling me from my stupor. Time for us to either leave or stay and get found with a dead body.

I rise, my knees hurting from kneeling on the cold tiles. Glancing up, I find Kahn staring at me. Chocolate brown eyes, dark in the shadows, almost black from the darkness that I know consumes him.

“I’m ready.” I nod, following behind him as we make our way toward the back door which leads out of the church and into the offices. Once there, we race toward the exit.

It doesn’t take long for us to reach the fence. I’m about to tell him there’s no way out when I notice a man on the other side. He’s already cut through the thick metal, giving us just enough space to crawl through.

“Kahn,” the stranger says, slapping him on the back in a show of friendship.

“Amir, I had to kill the priest,” Kahn tells him, but the stranger, Amir, doesn’t seem fazed.

“Let’s go.”

Kahn’s strong arms wrap around my frame, and he lifts me into the truck as if I am merely a feather.

I’m his.

I can never be anyone else’s.

“Lie down, and don’t come up until I tell you to,” Kahn instructs me before shoving the door closed. He slides into the passenger seat, Amir behind the steering wheel.

I obey.

Closing my eyes, I grip the beads that are still in my hand, and I pray once more. I have a feeling it will be the last time I do.

Kahn knows some of the things I’ve done, yet he’s taking me with him. He’s seen the darkness that dwells in my soul. The moment he slid into my body, I know he saw it, and he devoured it like a starving man.

He devoured my sickness and fed me his.

I always thought I’d end up in Hell for all that I’ve done.

But now, I’m on my way to Heaven.


Thy Kingdom come;

For ever and ever. Amen

It’s been a week.A long fucking week, and I still haven’t found any more information on what’s happening with Da Rosa. As soon as the plane touches down, I’m at the door, watching the attendant tug it open. Once the hot air hits me, I’m down the steps, closing the distance toward the car that’s sitting not far from where we landed.

Frustration burns in my veins when I make it to the waiting car. “Where the fuck is Cordero?” I bite out. Blood. All I see is crimson when I reach the vehicle and realize that the man I was meant to meet isn’t even here.

“Mr. Cordero had to be rushed back home, the compound is on lock down,” one of the men in a black suit rumbles when I turn my angry glare on him.

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“Da Rosa attacked the moment we arrived. Someone knows you’re looking into him, and they’re not happy. We got Mr. Cordero back to the house, but we lost two men.”