Page 34 of Bad Habits

I was home.


“Mother Constance,”Sister Olivia called from the door of my office.

“Yes, Sister?” I put down my pen and looked up.

“Someone is here to see you. I left her in the dining hall. Poor dear needed some tea.” She shook her head in sympathy.

“Oh? Well, Iet me go see who it is.” Curious, I left my office, shutting the door behind me.

Even though it had been less than a year that I’d been here, it still felt like yesterday that I’d gotten off the bus that delivered me to my destiny.

I still remember the shock at finding out that my imaginary friend was real. That he had been real all along, albeit away from me in body, waiting until I was ready to join him. My love for him grew each day; my desire each night. He was my world, and together we were rewriting that world, one parishioner at a time.

I headed for the kitchen. As I passed the main room, Sister Diane was taking a cock up the ass. The priest behind her, lost in the throes of complete worship, moaned into the mouth of Mayor Bradshaw, whose cock was being thoroughly serviced by the town librarian, Mrs. Willson.

Ah, the sounds of depravity were sweet to my ears. It was the song of my wicked soul. I bowed their way, smiling, and passed the kitchen. But I stopped in my tracks when I got to the doorway of the dining hall.

Sitting at the table was a nun in a gray habit and white veil, quietly drinking from a porcelain cup, her head down like she was praying.

She looked up as I entered the room. Big blue eyes, soft pale skin. The face of a princess. But so very sad.

“Hannah,” I whispered.

Tears began to fill her lovely eyes, and I moved closer. When she stood, all made sense. Her rounded belly, heavy with child, said it all.

“Oh Constance,” she whispered back, her throat thick with the oncoming tears that were about to fall. I went to her, putting my arms around her.

“All will be well, I promise, Hannah. We will take care of you.”

And then we talked for hours, right before it was time to ready for dinner. When Solomon found me, he kissed my head in welcome, and I introduced the Sister to my Beloved.

“Welcome, Sister Hannah,” he said, touching her shoulder. “Come, let’s get you settled.”

We brought her to Sister Hazel, who petted and clucked at her, taking her under her wing and showing her to a room.

I watched them leave, my heart full and happy. When I leaned against Solomon, I sighed contently. “So, my love, what is tonight’s sermon on?”

He held me tight, his strong arms embracing me. I could feel his delicious cock hardening against my ass, and I wiggled.

“Evil woman,” he whispered in my ear before biting it. “Tonight I will be talking about the merits of temperance.”

I turned my head and looked up at him. “Really?”

Laughing, he bopped me on the nose, which he knew I hated. “Oh, yes. Really.” Then he grinned. “It’s always good to know one’s enemy.”

The End.

About Petra

A lover of cats and books, equally, Petra is an author of Dark Romance, including the best-selling Reverse Harem series, Saving Setora. Editor, wife, and mom, she lives in the desert of Eastern Washington, dreaming of thunderstorms and rolling, green pastures.

Also by Petra J. Knox

Sweet Caroline: A Dark Tale

Captured: The Xandari Chronicles