Page 40 of Bad Habits

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“Come in.” Father Thomas calls. I open his door slowly and enter his office. It’s always dim and dusty in this room, but comforting. I remember the first time I entered this room. I’d just turned sixteen, and it was the first time I realized that the Father was more than just a priest but also a man. A man I desired and would do anything for.

I take a seat at the desk, opposite him. He’s in his late forties, but he doesn’t look it. His hair is still more ebony than ivory, brushed back. His jaw is strong, clean shaven. A dimple dents his chin. I’ve heard the nuns and novices talking about how his eyes are so dark, they’re almost bottomless. They swoon when he’s not looking. None of them have had him look at them the way he looks at me. They haven’t felt his touch, tasted him the way I have, had him inside them. I press my thighs together at the thought.

“Have you spoken with Mr. Michaels?” He narrows his eyes at me.

“Only briefly, Father.” I wring my hands in my lap.

“We have a confession tonight, Celeste, we cannot afford his kind of interest in you.”

“He is not interested in me, Father. He was introducing himself.”

“I am a man, young lady, and I know what men want when they look at you.”

“Is it what you want?” I meet his gaze.

He breaks eye contact. “We have spoken about this.” he frowns.

“Then Mr. Michaels’s interest shouldn’t concern you, Father Thomas.” I’m just saying this to get a rise out of him. The last thing I need is the unwarranted attention from Priest.

Father Thomas stands and stalks around the desk until he’s standing in front of me. Gripping my chin painfully, he tilts my face until I’m looking up at him. “You will watch your tongue, Celeste. You don’t want to push me to do something we’ll both regret.”

“Oh, I’m counting on that.” I smirk, and he releases my face. He backs away, sitting in his chair again. Feeling brave, I stand and round his desk, standing beside him. He swings his chair to face me.

His stare is hard as I drop to my knees in front of him, my hands finding their way over his thighs. I edge closer to his prominent erection, and he grips my wrists.

“That will be all.” he hisses.

Rising, I making my way to the door. When I open it, I’m met with Sister Concessa’s stoic face. “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” she says, looking behind me at Father Thomas, her mouth curving into a smile. “The others are waiting for you in devotion.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” I reply, stuffing down the desire to mock her.

I close the door behind me and follow her down the corridor. Inside the church, I spot Priest in one of the pews at the back. I slip in to the closest pew and watch as Sister Concessa makes her way to the front of the church to lead the devotion, feeling his eyes on my back all the while. I sneak a peek at him, and he smirks at me. I turn back, sucking in a breath. I will have to stay away from him and hope he’ll stop poking his nose where it does not belong.

After devotion, Priest stops me in the corridor, pulling me into a storeroom.

“What are you doing?” I whisper.

He places both his arms on either side of my face, pinning me. My heart is beating a million miles a minute, his eyes locking with mine. “Shh.” he tells me.

His lips close over mine with a kiss that steals my breath away. He captures my lips expertly as his fingers move to my throat. I let him slip his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like a terrible mistake, but I lose myself in the sensations he ignites in me. His hands roam over my body and settle on my ass which he squeezes painfully as he continues to kiss me. I push against his chest, my hand connecting with his face.

He steps away, still grinning as he rubs his cheek. “You prefer old fucks, do you?”

“Shut up.” My lower lip quivers. “Don’t come near me again.” I warn him.

“No can do. If I see something I like, I’m going to have it, whether that sick pervert approves or not. Hell, I’ll fuck you right after he does. Do you like feeling cheap, unwanted? He lets you fuck men in front of him, Sister Celeste.” he mocks.

I am taken aback by his brashness. “I am not going to stand here and have this conversation with you.” I open the door and rush away from him.

“The truth stings,” he calls after me.

I don’t bother turning, heading straight to class. I am already ten minutes late.

I slip into the back of the classroom but not before Sister Concessa spots me. I know there will be punishment for this.

Chapter Four