Page 49 of Bad Habits

He shakes his head then steps out into the hallway. “This isn’t over.”

I slam the door in his face. I hear his grunt of displeasure and his fists that slam against the wall. It is over, at least for me.

That’s a good girl, Celeste.

Changing quickly, I make my way to the infirmary. The smell of antiseptic assaults my nostrils. Sister Concessa cleans Father Thomas’s wounds while he lays groaning on the hospital bed.

“How are we going to explain this to Mother Superior?” she asks him. “You should have known better, Father Thomas. That girl has been nothing but trouble from the day I carried her in here.”

He doesn’t respond.

“I will talk to Mother Superior, explain.” I say, and they both turn to look at me. Father Thomas's eyes are swollen, the skin on his face already turning purple and blue. “It was my fault after all.”

“How dare you defy us, after everything we’ve done for you?” Sister Concessa says through gritted teeth. “You got involved with a worldly man, and his jealousy did this,” she looks at Father Thomas.

“Forgive me, please. I’ve asked him to leave.”

“There is no redemption for you, Celeste. I should have known you would bring trouble to our parish.”

I walk over to the bed. Father Thomas has said nothing since I walked into the room, and now he stares at me accusatorily. I bow my head, ashamed at what I’ve done. I let myself be led astray, I sinned against my church. I drop to my knees in front of them both. “Tell me what to do. I’ll do anything.”

They look at each other, and I already know what they expect from me.

Chapter Ten


I stuffeverything I brought with me into my duffle bag. Ben called me a few hours ago to tell me that everything is set. I throw my bag over my shoulder and look around the cottage one more time. Once I step over the threshold, I will be leaving the last few months behind. My family, and most of all Celeste. I wanted to save her from this place, but it’s true that you can only save those who want to be saved. I tried to talk to her earlier today, one last attempt at getting her to see reason, but she is adamant that she’s staying. I haven’t Father Thomas since I pummelled him. The man deserved it. Celeste may be entrapped by his sick game, but I’m not. I look at my watch, seeing that it's almost twelve a.m., another half an hour and I’ll be catching a ride out of this place.

I close the door behind me surprised by how chilly it is outside. As I cross the church grounds, I spot a light on in the main church building. I pick up the pace, making my way to the front gate. I’ll have to scale the wall to get out of this nuthouse. The last thing I need is for Sister Concessa to call the cops on me. Again. I’m nearing the wall when I hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps.

“You’re leaving?” Celeste asks. I don’t turn around. Seeing her face again is going to make me beg her to come with me. She made her choice, and I am not going to put a halt on mine.


“You weren’t going to say goodbye?” I let out a breath, my head bowing as I reluctantly turn to face her.

“I figured you didn’t want to see me again.” She steps out of the shadows. Her hair is loose and blows around her, dark waves that beckon me.

“Take care of yourself, Priest.” I want to laugh at the irony. I am leaving behind this hellhole and she tells me to take care of myself? She turns and walks back toward the church without another word. There is something off with her, but I don’t know what it is. I check my phone, grateful that I have a few minutes to spare. After I watch her round the corner and disappear into the building, I drop my duffle bag and follow her. When I enter the church, it’s dimly lit with candles and Celeste is sitting in the front pew. I feel a chill run through my body when I notice that someone is laying motionless on the altar.

“Celeste,” I say softly.

She doesn’t answer me, just continues to stare ahead. I make my way to the altar, and my eyes widen at what I see. I have to look away, almost gagging. Sister Mary Concessa’s naked body is on display. Her skin is almost translucent it is so white. There is no doubt in my mind that she’s dead.

“Did you do this?” I point to the altar. Celeste doesn’t answer. “Celeste?”

She finally looks at me. “I thought you’d be gone.”

I rake my hands through my hair. “This is crazy, why, why’d you do this?” I look around the church. “Where is everyone else?”

I’m crippled by the fear of what else she may have done. “They’re fine. They were none the wiser when Father Thomas and I used the church for this very thing.”

“Where is he? Father Thomas?” She stands and walks to the baptismal. I follow close behind her, coming to a halt when I look into the water and there he is, floating face down.

I grab her arm and turn her to me. “You’ve got to snap out of it, Celeste.”

“I told you to leave.” Her vacant eyes scare me.