Page 62 of Bad Habits

She might be the only person who doesn't belong here more than me.

"Father Stone isn't going to like hearing about this."

I don't know about that; it might be just what Father Stone needs right now.

The Devil on my left shoulder is more brazen than usual today. Yo, Angel dude, I could use your powers for good right about now.

Fuck it, Ms. Agnes is right, Father Stone isn't going to be happy to hear about this, but Ryan Stone is pretty fucking excited about it.


This assignment isso God damn annoying. Shit, can I mutter that phrase inside of a church? It's not like I said it out loud or anything.

But God is always watching, Sister Suri.

Mother Superior's voice echoes in my head.

"Jesus…" I mutter under my breath so no one else can hear.

Suddenly, a gasp sounds from behind me, making me jump in my seat.

"Sister Suri!"

Twisting my body, I come face to face with the older lady that also volunteers here. Her hand flies to her chest in shock, and her face appears as though she is frozen in horror.

"Holy shit, Agnes! You can't just creep up on someone like that!"

"Bite your tongue! What kind of Nun are you? Father Stone isn't going to like hearing about this."


"Ms. Agnes, please. It just slipped out. I'm sorry. I promise I will do extra penance for my sin when I get back to the monastery this evening. But, please don't tell Father."

She cast a disgusted look my way and walked to her desk on the other side of the office.

Father Stone scares me, and it's not just because he is the head Priest. He scares me because he reminds me of my past. Father Stone reminds me of the reason I am here, to begin with. He isn't the soft and gentle kind of priest that I remember leading our parish when I was growing up. Instead, he is as precisely as his name describes; Stone. Hard. Chiseled. I have no idea how someone with a body like a god and eyes as dark and dangerous as his ended up in the Priesthood. It doesn't make any sense.

But you don't belong here either. You might not be the only one with a secret.

I joined Our Lady of Heavenly Hope to get away from my abusive ex. Testifying in court was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do in my entire life. I don't even believe in God, but this is the only place that the cops could put me at the time. They promised that they would move me somewhere else as soon as they could, but the small amount of patience that I have left is dwindling. I loathe the monastery, and I dream about a time when I am not forced to be somewhere that I don't want to be, doing things that I don't want to do. I've been living a life that was not my own for too long. Every day I dream about running far away from here.

Unfortunately, that will never happen.

I won't run because Tim would find me, there's no doubt about that. I'm shocked he hasn't yet. The terror I had to relive while I in the courtroom for days on end was all for nothing. Tim ended up getting off on a fucking technicality because the idiot judge failed to tell the jury about a lesser charge that they could rule on. Therefore, the court had no choice but to overturn the conviction. The criminal justice system in this country is unreal. I can't fathom how some of these criminals get away with the terrible pain and horror that they inflict on other people.

So, that led me here. Other than Detective Robbins and Mother Superior, no one knows why I'm here. Mother didn't want to let me in, but Robbins has been a faithful member of Our Lady since he was a little boy, and he promised her it would only be for a brief period. She finally agreed and told him that I would be safe. That was six months ago, and I don't know who is more anxious about my departure, me or her. She never told him that she would act like a complete and utter cunt bag. I'm pretty sure that has to be in one of the Ten Commandments somewhere. She's had it out for me since the moment I set foot in the door.

I grew up Catholic, but I haven't been a religious person for a very long time. As if that wasn't enough, I am putting everyone in danger by being here. She doesn't understand how much that affects me. It's bad enough knowing that I'm not safe no matter where I go, but the fact that others can and will be affected should he find me, that's not something that I want on my conscience.


It's beenthree days since Agnes told me she was going to Father Stone about my language. I don't think she's said anything, though, because I haven't gotten called into his office yet. I don't know what has been happening in the past few days. Maybe it was the fear of getting into trouble that's been messing with me, but I've been hornier than I can ever remember being. At least since before things went south with Tim.

I can't stop thinking about Father Stone. As soon as the idea of getting into trouble crossed my mind, I started having flashes of him and me together. Me, bent over the altar, him behind me on his knees, his tongue inside of me, his hands are kneading my thighs and ass.

I am broken from my cloud of lusty thoughts when the tiny bell on the door chimes, letting me know someone's entered the office. When I look up, I lock eyes with a woman who looks strikingly familiar, but I can't place from exactly where. She's gorgeous, dressed in designer clothing with full hair and makeup. She could have been me if it were four years ago. She definitely looks out of place here, though, that's for sure.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I ask her.