Page 68 of Bad Habits

"The will serve the rest of your penance in this room, secured as you are now until that raging hard-on dies," he said with annoyance.

Wait; what? My head shoots around as far as I can get it, but the Monsignor doesn't acknowledge me.

"Then, you need to figure out how to welcome your true nature into the forefront of your mind and reassimilate the new old you into our culture here at St. Bartholomew's."


Sister Dawnand I sit uncomfortably close to one another on the bench outside of Mother Superior's office.

"I can't believe you ratted me out. How old are you?" I ask her under my breath so the other Sisters, milling about in the hallway trying to make it seem as though they aren't interested in why we're sitting here, don't hear me.

"Me? What about you and, and, your sin!" she can barely get the word out of her mouth. "I'm going to have to repent simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and bearing witness!"

"You do realize that 'sin' isn't a bad word, right? And yeah, I sinned, so what! You can't have forgiveness without it!" I respond a little louder than I mean to.

"Sister Suri, do try to act like you're repentant," Mother Superior's voice startles me.

Fuck. I didn't notice Mother Superior open the door.

"Sorry, Reverend Mother," I say, trying my hardest to make it sound honest.

"Sisters, run along and get your day started!" she shouts to the busybodies littering the hallway.

"Come in," she commands.

Sister Dawn and I follow her into her office and take a seat in front of her desk.

"Sister Dawn came to me yesterday evening with a serious accusation." Mother Superior gets right to it, narrowing her eyes at me. "She told me she heard you making sensuous noises inside of your room."

I had to work hard to hold my laughter inside. Sensuous noises? Really?

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean, Mother Superior."

If Sister Dawn and Mother Superior want to play games, then we can play games. You're going to keep me from work--not that I'm complaining-- because she heard sensuous noises? Give me a fucking break.

"Sister Dawn heard what you were doing last night," Mother Superior glares at me.

Woah. If looks could kill, right?

I maintain the look of ignorance on my face, my gaze shifting between them.

"Sister Dawn," Mother Superior starts, "tell Sister Suri what it is that you heard last night."

My gaze moves to Sister Dawn, and I challenge her to say what she heard out loud.

"Well, I saw Sister Suri walking to her room. I asked her if she was coming to dinner. When she said no, that she didn't feel well, I let her go. Once dinner was over, I felt the need to check on her. I walked to her room and was getting ready to knock on her door when I heard it."

Fuck, and I tried so hard to keep it in.

"Heard what?" Mother Superior asks, wanting Sister Dawn to elaborate.

Mother Superior is a horrible person. Is she going to sit here and make Sister Dawn say what she heard, knowing that it's going to eat her alive to do so? She's no better than I am.

I sit there, watching Sister Dawn try to work up the courage to say what it is she heard. She starts to speak, unable to say what it is she heard. She is stuttering and talking around what it is she actually wants to say.

"She heard me orgasming," I interrupt.

I can't stand the thought of making Sister Dawn say it, knowing she's too shy to do so. I don't care if she's a tattletale, she means well. She certainly doesn't deserve this purposeful humiliation just so Mother Superior can wield her power over me.